
Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Learn What You Need to Know About Euthanasia Prevention

from Human Life Action

Assisted suicide is happening now in seven states and the District of Columbia. Legislation to legalize the practice was introduced and actively debated in twenty-two other states in 2018. Fortunately, many of these bills were withdrawn due to lack of support, but others are still active.

You can keep informed of these and other developments through the 2018 Euthanasia Symposium set for Saturday, October 27 from 9 AM to 4 PM (Central Time)

Email the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition at or call 1-877-439-3348 to learn more or to register.  You can watch the Symposium on line for a small fee. 

Registration to attend the Symposium in person at the Best Western PLUS Winnipeg Airport Hotel (1715 Wellington Ave) is $50.

Keynote speakers are Alexandra Snyder, a California lawyer who is fighting the California assisted suicide law in the courts, and Paul Saba, a Québec physician who will be speaking about Why I Won’t Kill.

Speakers include Kevin Dunn, Co-Producer of Fatal Flaws: Legalizing Assisted Death, Amy Hasbrouck, EPC President and Director of Toujours Vivant – Not Dead Yet, Taylor Hyatt, researcher for Not Dead Yet, James Mahony, freelance journalist and former lawyer, Jen Romnes, painter and author of the books Entangled 1 & 2, and Alex Schadenberg, Executive Director & International Chair of Euthanasia Prevention Coalition.

Finally, see the movie, Fatal Flaws: Legalizing Assisted Death at the 2019 March for Life. Watch for more details.

Human Life Action, an initiative of NCHLA, stands for the inherent dignity of every life and the power of all Americans to shape policy that affirms life.  For more information, please use this link. 

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