
Friday, October 5, 2018

Polling Shows Pro-Abortion Democrats in Big Trouble After Trashing Brett Kavanaugh

By Nick Gavis
Life News

There has been a major shift in midterm election polling, showing the GOP is on the rise in several key races in battleground states across the country, said CNN political analyst Harry Enten.

“I think [a poll bounce] is there,” he said on “New Day” Thursday. “We’re not just seeing it in the private polls — it does seem in some of the public polls as well, that Republicans do in fact seem to be seeing some sort of bounce.”
“To me, this isn’t really all that surprising given, yes, Brett Kavanaugh is not very popular, but he is more popular than the president of the United States, so if these midterms are about how people feel about Brett Kavanaugh, it actually shrinks the Democratic margin,” he added.
Enten also said the North Dakota Senate race is slipping away from Democrats, as Republican Rep. Kevin Cramer holds a double-digit lead over Democratic Sen. Heidi Heitkamp.
“This is to me the biggest number of the week,” he said. “We saw an earlier poll in North Dakota that showed something similar. If Democrats want to take back the United States Senate, they need to hold North Dakota … That is very, very, very bad news for Democrats.”
Enten then commented on Democratic incumbent Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill and said it’s unusual she is only polling at 43 percent, while being tied with her GOP challenger Josh Hawley.
“It’s a red state … Claire McCaskill has not been that popular over the past couple of years,” he added.
Enten closed with the Tennessee Senate race, which showed Republican incumbent Rep. Marsha Blackburn holding a five-point lead over Democrat and former Gov. Phil Bredesen.
“This is a state Donald Trump won by 26 percentage points, so voters are going to vote about how they feel about the president,” he concluded.
“The thing that should be pointed out in both Tennessee and the Missouri polls — both of those leads are within the margin of error. Those races could turn out differently.”
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