
Monday, October 8, 2018

When I Was Nine, I Learned I Was Adopted…and an Abortion Survivor

"But most of all, it is a beautiful story of a woman who almost lost her life to the silent holocaust that is abortion--now ready to speak up for those yet to be born." Dona Marie, abortion survivor

By Dona Marie
Live Action News

I remember being a happy child. I had simple joys then. Some toys, some sweets, my playmates, a VHS tape of The Sound of Music, my beloved dog and my doting parents made me feel the luckiest kid on earth. 

But an experience suddenly burst my happy bubble when I was about nine years old. It was the 16th of January, a big feast in our small town is being celebrated. It was Sto. Nino’s fiesta (Feast of the Child Jesus). I remember being glad because there were no classes that day. Therefore I was allowed to watch The Sound of Music even if it wasn’t Friday.

I also remember seeing my mother with a somber expression. She went upstairs to the master’s bedroom but before she did, instructed me to follow her after a couple of minutes. I did as I was told. I entered the room having no idea that my life was about to change. My mom smiled at me but I noticed the smile did not reach her eyes. I smiled back and tried to cheer her up with a tight hug. It was then that I realized she was crying.

“What’s the matter?” I asked her. 
“Anak (child), do sit with me on the bed.”
I obeyed. She took a deep breath and looking into my eyes started to say:
“Do you remember the story we used to tell you about our friend’s daughter? Our friend who adopted a baby who survived abortion, and then the baby grew up to be a bright young woman?”
“Oh, that story!” I smiled a bit, remembering the story I’ve heard a number of times from both my parents. I always loved that story and admired the strong young woman who survived abortion.
With another deep breath, my mom continued. 
“Dona that is your story. You are that bright, young girl.”
I thought I must have misunderstood my mom.
“I beg your pardon?” I asked, my voice just barely over a whisper.
“Dona you are the abortion survivor. Your biological mother had an abortion but you survived. And then God gave you to us. And now you’ve grown into a bright young woman,” she explained.
There was a lump in my throat. I lost my voice. My mind was reeling to process everything. This means I am not my parents’ daughter. This means my whole life has been a joke… everything’s make-believe. Oh, God the times I disobeyed my parents! How could I disobey them when I owe them so much!

My thoughts went haywire.

“Dona are you okay? Please be okay. Remember that we love you very much. It doesn’t matter if you are adopted. We love you just the same. Nothing will change.” I heard my mom say, but she seemed far away because I could barely hear her.
She was wrong. Everything has changed. I have changed. I felt like a different person. I looked at my hands. It was strange that I felt like I was another person. But I knew I needed to say something. 

“I’m okay,” I said, trying to convince both my mom and myself that I was. My mom hugged me. I realized I was crying albeit silently. Tears were flowing down my cheeks. I asked my mom for details. I wanted to know what happened. She said that she didn’t know my biological mother. 

But according to the birth attendant/abortionist (not a medical professional, traditionally called pilot in the Philippines), my biological mother was a young woman, some weeks pregnant. “I want to have an abortion,” she said, and the pilot obliged, for this was her “job” (abortions are done secretly because it is illegal in the Philippines).

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