
Wednesday, November 14, 2018

40 Days for Life is Over, Now what? Recap and What You Can do Going Forward.

As pro-lifers concluded the 40 Days for Life Campaign, they've stepped out of their comfort zones to be present. Pro-lifers from infant to pre-baby boomers  and Catholics to Protestant and everything in between had the opportunity to give witness to life outside of an abortion facility in Philadelphia and its surrounding suburbs.

Philadelphia Campaigns

Pat Stanton and Dr. Monique Ruberu started a 40 days campaign in the fall of 2014. Fast forward 4 years later they had their 9th campaign in front of the largest Planned Parenthood in Pennsylvania where 3300 babies were killed in 2017. 13 babies were saved because of dedicated pro-lifers and even first timers. Despite some holes, God provided.

 Fr. Chris Walsh of St Raymond's in Mt. Airy extending
 a hand of mercy outside of Planned Parenthood in Center City

Members of Knights of Columbus Regina Mundi Council 
outside of Comly Rd Planned Parenthood

 40 Days sign used for Appletree vigil the
 bottom caption says it all

Tom Stevens with the DeMaios

The parish had a myriad of groups, especially college aged students take part in two different vigils one location each.

Northeast Philadelphia

The Northeast 40 DFL site had no reported SAVES, however, we were blessed with six new contacts who signed up for our vigil.

In addition to individual visits at the site, our vigil was covered by 10 churches (Evangelical and Catholic), as well as 2 Knights of Columbus Divisions and Generation Life.

Our highlight was the presence of the the Our Lady of Guadalupe image which Veronica Kull brought to us at the site on two of the Saturdays during the vigil.

Bucks County- Warminster

Because of your efforts, 40 DFL at Warminster PP has been fruitful in praying for an end to abortion and interceding on behalf of  mothers and their unborn babies.  We’ll never know how many mothers cancelled appointments and chose life for their babies because of your presence, prayers and sacrifice. 
A personal thanks to Mary Paris for serving as Bucks 40 DFL coordinator for ten years.  Without her faithful efforts, there would not be 40 DFL at Warminster PP.

  • 30 Catholic Churches and 4 Evangelical Churches participated
  •  5 parishes served two days: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Mary Mother of the Redeemer, Nativity of Our Lord, Shrine of Czestochowa and Our Lady of Good Counsel
  •  Several clergy, including Fr. O’Donnell in his 90s, joined intercessors in praying
  • 704 intercessors signed-up through their coordinators to pray for 1 hour or more.  Many served 4 or more hours.
  • 12 served as volunteers for emergency fill-ins

Chester County- West Chester

The only really good news at WC PP is that the number of abortions have declined from 1,000 something to 800 something in the last report. WC PP is still the number 4 abortion center in our area though.

Montgomery County- Norristown

From Jim Schellner

The prayer and devoted counseling offered this 40 Days for Life was a great and devoted effort by area residents which offered hope and saving measures to hundreds of women and their husbands - which include many college students and women of mature age.  Thanks be to God that we were once again there for them!

What now?
  • Going forward we must be present for an hour or more every week outside of an abortion center in the greater area.
Millennials are encouraged to sacrifice one hour a week to be present (I have). It won't hurt to offer that hour for the conversion of those involved in abortion.
  • Educate your campus, community, parish, and even family about how abortion has left a gaping hole in our society.
40 Days all around is a great initiative, but we need to do more than being present 40 days in a row if we want to shut down the butcher shops. Being present on a more regular basis will save more lives, and make our presence known with our merciful loving presence.

Voices for Life is an e-publication dedicated to informing and educating the public on pro-life and pro-family issues. To read our Mission Statement, use this link.  Follow us on FacebookGoogle, and Pinterest.  Help us spread the pro-life message by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks.

Pregnant, need help or know someone who does?  

National Hotline: Call 1-800-712-HELP or Text 'HELPLINE' to 313131.
In Southeast Penna:  Call the Community Women's Center at  215-826-8090

If you or someone you know is suffering after abortion, confidential non-judgmental help is available.  Call Project Rachel's national toll-free number 888-456-HOPE (4673) or visit  

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