
Friday, November 9, 2018

911 Recording: “Trust Women” Abortion Mill Leaves Woman Lacerated, Hemorrhaging

By Cheryl Sullenger
Operation Rescue

Wichita, KS – A medical emergency at the Trust Women abortion facility in Wichita, Kansas, on October 26, 2018, has resulted in the hospitalization of one woman.

Operation Rescue obtained the 911 recording and Computer Aided Dispatch printout related to the incident and found that a 41-year old woman who “just got out of surgery” was hemorrhaging from lacerations received during the abortion procedure.

Apparently, the lacerations were in an internal location that made it difficult for the abortionist reach them. Possibilities include a lacerated cervix or uterine wall.

“And there’s lacerations, and she’s bleeding. We can’t get it — we can’t get to it,” the Trust Women caller told the 911 dispatcher.

Continue reading Operation Rescue's article and watch the video containing the actual 911 recording here!

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