
Thursday, November 29, 2018

Average Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic CEO Makes Over $250,000 to Kill Babies

One More Reason to Defund Planned Parenthood

By Jim Sedlak
Life News

We have completed our most recent review of the compensation paid to the top executive of each of the 56 affiliates of Planned Parenthood, along with its executive staff in New York City. All data for this report is from June 2017 or earlier. 

In June 2017, Planned Parenthood Federation of America consisted of its headquarters operation and 56 individual corporations scattered across the United States. Each of the 56 affiliates is separately incorporated, has its own board of directors, its own CEO, and files a separate Federal Form 990, which summarizes its financial data.

The results of our review show that some executives took pay cuts, but most saw increases to their already inflated salaries.

In summary, the report documents:
  • The average compensation for a CEO at a Planned Parenthood affiliate rose from $237,999 in 2015 to $255,523 in 2017 (a 7.4 percent increase).
  • The total compensation paid to all affiliate CEOs increased from $13.3 million in 2015 to $14.3 million in 2017.
  • The average compensation to top executives at Planned Parenthood Federation of America headquarters went from $389,514 in 2015 to $394,893 in 2017.This increase at national headquarters would have been more, but PPFA CEO Cecile Richards saw her compensation reduced from $957,952 in 2015 to $744,833 in 2017. 
  • If we take Richards’ compensation out of the calculation, the remaining top executives’ average compensation went from $337,838 in 2015 to $365,731 in 2017 (a 7.5 percent increase).
It continues to be interesting that the highest paid CEOs are not from the largest affiliates. For instance, Planned Parenthood Mar Monte is PPFA’s largest affiliate, but its CEO, Linda Williams, ranks eighth ($403,814) in the list of highest paid executives. The highest paid of affiliate CEOs, Darrah Johnson of Planned Parenthood of Pacific Southwest ($523,677), actually works for the third largest affiliate.

The CEO report shows that, at Planned Parenthood, operating a supposed “non-profit” organization that supposedly provides health care to the poor, can be a very lucrative occupation. According to latest reports, anyone earning over $421,926 a year is in the top 1% of the population.

By that criterion, six of the Planned Parenthood CEOs are in the top one percent income bracket. If we add PPFA headquarters staff, then eight of the non-profit’s management qualify for top one percent status.

Finally, the top 10 percent of wage earners receive at least $170,500 a year. That means that the 13 highest paid corporate staff and 41 of the 56 CEOs are in the top 10 percent.

It is very, very profitable being in the leadership of the largest abortion chain in the nation!


LifeNews Note: Jim Sedlak is executive director of American Life League and founder of STOPP International.

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