
Monday, November 5, 2018

DAY 40: Dads Step Up

By Shawn Carney
40 Days for Life

Men’s role in abortion often starts by not respecting women enough to practice abstinence before marriage.

Once a pregnancy occurs, many men are stunned to learn that a father has no legal right to protect his own child from abortion. But even if a dad can’t rely on the law, he can use his voice. Sometimes, all it takes is a loving word and a promise of support.

An abortion-bound father named Chuck told Cathy in Atlanta that he didn’t really want the abortion…but he and his fiancée, Jenny, have a seven-month-old baby. They worried that a second baby so soon would be a financial burden.

“He said it was bad timing, and they thought they would abort this baby and try again in a year,” Cathy reported.

Cathy described the devastating toll abortion takes on a woman–and on a couple’s relationship. She also encouraged Chuck to tell Jenny he doesn’t want the abortion, that he will stand by her, and that they can take care of a second child together.

Showing him a fetal model, she continued, “This is about the size of your baby now. Can you please go protect that baby? That baby is precious and needs protecting. Now go get her out of there and let me treat you to breakfast!”

When Chuck and Jenny left the abortion center a short time later, applause broke out on the sidewalk.

“Jenny put her hand over her mouth and was crying,” Cathy said. “They gave me a big hug! They were BEAMING!”

At breakfast, Jenny repeatedly said how happy she was to have walked out on her abortion appointment.

“Praise God that this man was a warrior for his child,” Cathy said. “Jenny was so relieved.”

New York

During her shift on the sidewalk, Colette spoke to a man whose girlfriend was in Planned Parenthood, about to have an abortion. She showed him a video on fetal development and a non-graphic video of the abortion procedure.

After more than 20 minutes of discussion, the man said he couldn’t stand by while his girlfriend had the abortion and texted her asking her to leave the abortion facility. She immediately wrote back saying she didn’t want the abortion either.

“I’m glad I’m not standing here crying,” the relieved dad said. “Now I’m happy!”

Fargo, North Dakota
The son of a 40 Days for Life volunteer in North Dakota found out an acquaintance was bringing his girlfriend to Fargo for an abortion. He took the opportunity to talk with the father about the way abortion hurts babies…and also their parents.

“This man-to-man discussion had a tremendous impact on the father,” said Fargo leader Colleen. “Consequently, the father decided against abortion, and their appointment was cancelled.”

This child is the 82nd saved baby since Fargo’s first 40 Days for Life campaign in 2007!

Boston, Massachusetts

“Will you pray with me?” the man asked Boston 40 Days for Life leader Rita. He had previously ignored Rita’s attempts to engage him but now he admitted he had been involved in a previous abortion and “could not do that again.”
Rita sent him back into Planned Parenthood to tell the mother of his child that he loved her, that he would be there for her, and that he wanted both mom and baby.
“It worked!” he exclaimed when he re-emerged from the abortion facility. “She rescheduled her appointment, and I have more time to convince her.”
For one day, at least, the baby has been spared. “Please pray for this couple,” Rita said. “The woman seemed very much at risk for an abortion.”

Scripture and Prayer

He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” — Revelation 21:4-5
Father, you are the God of hope. Your word fills us with the vision of the world to come, when every tear will be wiped away, and death will be no more. Father, how we need that hope, how we are strengthened by that vision! Keep our hearts focused on heaven, and diligent in the labors of earth. As we struggle against the culture of death, root our souls in the assurance of victory.

See today’s full devotional

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