
Friday, November 9, 2018

Election Recap and What to Do Going Forward

As the dust settle from another long and vigorous hard fought campaign. This time midterms we have seen a night of mixed emotions and some lessons to be learned.


Democrats have retaken control the house of representatives. Their agenda? more money for Planned Parenthood, gun control, trying to turn the United States into a socialistic country (similar to Venezuela). Jeanne Mancini, president of March for Life, said, “Protecting vulnerable, unborn citizens should be a bipartisan goal but sadly Democrats today are held hostage to an extremist pro-abortion lobby.” We must not lose hope in this setback. Most of the victory came from the senate as the Republicans have unseated pro-abortion incumbents like Ben Nelson, Claire McCaskill, Heidi Heitkamp, and Joe Donnolly. Unfortunately, radical pro-aborts that include Elizabeth Warren, Tim Kaine, Bernie Sanders, Bob Casey Jr, Bob Menedez, Dianne Feinstein, etc. have won reelection in their senate races.

On the state level, pro-life candidates have won gubernational elections Iowa, Florida, Georgia and Ohio. In addition to those victories, two states have passed yes votes on amendments to protect life in West Virginia and Alabama. Sadly, New York, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, California, and many other states with deep blue policies have reelected a pro-abort incumbent to run their states. Notable mentioned is Tom Wolf, a former escort of Planned Parenthood.

What to do?

The best thing pro-lifers must do are three things: Pray, educate, and take action. The elections, especially for those in traditionally liberal states must not be afraid to take a stand.

Tom Stevens, president of Pro-Life Union of Greater Philadelphia, offers some practical advice. For next two years for starters to be effective, we must promote the pro-life cause both spiritually and practically.

Spiritually: get on knees and keep praying, become holy and learn how to love. And five practical takeaways. First thing is to increase the committed members of church community on the pro-life committee. Second is find those interested in politics, run for committee person in order to effectively vote on pro life endorsed candidates. Third thing is for those who are politically inclined; get informed on many issues and run for office, speaking with committee people, and attending political events. Fourth suggestion is that all should be on the lookout for people in their 20s, 30s, and 40s who need encouragement to get involved with the pro-life committee and activities.

Finally - be engaged, be a continual learner, get off social media and instead engage in loving face to face discourse and dialogue with neighbors, friends, and people who think differently then you. Ensure that you are well versed, be confident but be kind.

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