
Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Florida’s “Rolling Abortionist” Set for Final Disciplinary Hearing After Criminal Conviction

By Cheryl Sullenger
Operation Rescue

Orlando, FL – Operation Rescue has been notified that a final disciplinary action hearing with the Florida Board of Medicine will be held for Florida abortionist James Scott Pendergraft IV on Friday, December 7, 2018.

The case is based on a complaint filed by Operation Rescue seeking revocation of Pendergraft’s medical license after his arrest in South Carolina in October 2015 on drug charges.

Soon after Pendergraft’s arrest, Spartan County Sheriff Chuck Wright made the announcement at a press conference without mentioning Pendergraft’s name. Sheriff Wright told reporters that inside his van, Sheriff’s Deputies discovered bloody surgical implements – with tissue still attached – that had been used to conduct illegal “in home” abortions.

Continue reading and view the notification letter.

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