
Saturday, November 10, 2018

Planned Parenthood Used Fake Name to Secretly Purchase Building for New Abortion Clinic

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

A Michigan community is upset after learning of plans by the abortion giant Planned Parenthood to open a new facility in their town.

Hometown Life News reports Planned Parenthood did not use its own name on the paperwork when it purchased a new building on Farmington Road in Livonia, Michigan. Instead, the name on the paperwork was West Michigan Facilities Corp., LLC.

It was one of many concerns that local residents voiced during a Nov. 7 meeting of the town council. Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion chain in America. It aborts approximately 320,000 unborn babies every year.

According to the report:

Joanne Moening was one of several people speaking out, questioning why none of the paperwork for buying the building and issuing permits had the Planned Parenthood name on them.
“Planned Parenthood applied for their permits under the cloak of darkness,” she said. “Have you looked at the plans? Have you looked at the permit applications? Do you see the name Planned Parenthood on there? No.
“Stop the project. Force them to come out of the cloak of darkness. Force it.”
[Councilman Brandon] Kritzman said the most likely situation is that one name is the owner of the property and the other is the lessee, though it’s entirely possible for a property owner to also be the lessee. Such situations, he said, are fairly common business practice and not unusual to see.
“This happens in probably 90 percent of the buildings in the city,” he said. “To be honest, this happens all the time because for legal reasons, owning a property under an LLC designation, does exactly what a limited liability corporation is intended to do and shields the actual tenants of the property.”
Planned Parenthood used to run a facility in the town, but it closed in the spring, according to the report. It is unclear if the new facility will abort unborn babies on site or refer women to other facilities for abortions. It also is not clear when it will open.

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