
Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Texas Fights in Court to Ban Dismemberment Abortions Tearing Babies Limb From Limb

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Texas leaders fought Monday to be allowed to ban brutal dismemberment abortions that tear unborn babies limb from limb while their hearts are beating.

Arguing in front of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, Heather Hacker, a lawyer for Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, said the state protects animals and convicted criminals more than unborn babies.

“A child born at 18 weeks would…still be swaddled and cared for, but at that same age, the child in the womb could have forceps used to rip that child from the womb piece by piece,” Hacker said. “In Texas, no animal is permitted to be killed this way, nor a convicted criminal on death row treated like this.”
Signed into law in 2017, Texas Senate Bill 8 prohibits dismemberment abortions, a method typically used in the second trimester to kill nearly fully-formed, living unborn babies. It is a barbaric and dangerous procedure in which the unborn baby is ripped apart in the womb and pulled out in pieces while his or her heart is still beating.

The abortion chain Whole Women’s Health and the Center for Reproductive Rights challenged the law, and a judge struck it down in November. The state appealed to the Fifth Circuit.

On Monday, a panel of judges spent about an hour considering the arguments of the state and abortion activists, according to the Texas Tribune.

Here’s more from the report:

“It’s illegal to kill an animal that way in Texas, we wouldn’t execute a murderer that way, and notably the abortion providers don’t tell women that that’s what the procedure entails,” Hacker said.
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