
Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Trump Issues Final Rules Protecting Religious Groups Like Little Sisters of the Poor From Funding Abortions

“Today President Trump and HHS Secretary Azar delivered a huge victory for conscience rights and religious liberty in America” 

By Steven Ertelt
Life News

The Trump administration today issued final rules that will protect pro-life and religious groups like Little Sisters of the Poor from being forced to pay for abortions.

The final rules that the U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services, Treasury, and Labor issued Wednesday guarantee protections from the Obama abortion-pill mandate for organizations with pro-life religious or moral convictions. That mandate had forced many employers, regardless of those beliefs, to provide abortion-inducing drugs, sterilization, and contraception under threat of heavy penalties by the Internal Revenue Service and other federal agencies if the mandate’s requirements weren’t met.
“Freedom is not a gift from government. It is a gift from God,” Trump said in signing the order last year, which was finalized today. “We are here to defend the rights of all Americans.”
A leading pro-life attorney associated with Alliance Defending Freedom told LifeNews that the new rules are good news for its clients and others who have fought attempts by the Obama administration to force Christian groups and businesses to pay for abortion-causing drugs.

Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Gregory S. Baylor said, “The beliefs that inspire Christian colleges and universities, as well as groups like the Little Sisters of the Poor, to serve their communities should be protected. Through these regulations, President Trump kept his promise that people of faith wouldn’t be bullied on his watch.”

Contrary to claims by the Planned Parenthood abortion business, Baylor told LifeNews that non-abortion contraception will remain available.
“At the same time, contraceptives will remain readily available to those who wish to use them. Additionally, we commend the administration for protecting organizations like March for Life, an organization that bases its pro-life beliefs on science and philosophy, and hosts the largest pro-life gathering in the world every year in Washington, D.C. These final rules affirm the principle that all Americans should be free to peacefully live and work according to their faith and conscience without threat of government punishment,” he said.''
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