
Saturday, December 29, 2018

2018 in Review and What to Do in 2019

by Mickey Kelly
Voices for Life

One thing I really enjoy in the final days of the year is when I take time to look back on the good, bad, and ugly of the year since it began. It helps me figure out what went wrong and where can I improve in 2019. Likewise, pro-lifers should be doing the same thing and go into 2019 with the flame of love and hands of mercy to save the unborn child.

There were many successes, so I will share a few of them with you that happened on the local and even national level.

Local/State News

The Pro-Life Union was under new leadership by Tom Stevens. Tom is a Villanova graduate and has participated in vigils since his college days. the coalition is fortunate to have you as our leader.  Read all about him here:

Though we had no closing of abortion facilities there has been more and more people getting involved of all ages, especially college aged students who lost a 1/3 of their peers because of this horrific atrocities. One of those students was honored by the Pro Life Union of Greater Philadelphia as the recent Stand Up for Life Dinner. See article here:

New life saving facility known as Gianna Center opened its doors in Philadelphia. Started in New York and named after St. Gianna Molla, the center offers general gynecological care that conforms to Catholic teaching on sexuality and procreation.  See article here:

Dr. Monique Ruberu was featured in an article by 40 Days for Life.

Read article here:

A letter from 
Padre Pio to Pope Paul VI 
in support of the prophetic 

Across much of the US and around the world, pro-lifers commemorated the 50th anniversary of Pope Paul VI's encyclical Humanae Vitae.

There was even a conference with Janet Smith as the main headliner. Read more here:

On July 25th 2018, pro-lifers watched a special screening on how the papal encyclical echoes well into the 21st Century. Read more here: 

Sadly abortions continue to be high in Philadelphia, especially at the Philadelphia's Women Center in the Chinatown district. Please consider praying for an hour or two outside of this facility. 6000 baies a year are being killed. Even the security guard and glum faced professor from Swathmore University need to open eyes to the truth that abortion separates families.


Abortions continue to slide outside of the Planned Parenthood Blackwell Center in Philadelphia. During the last 40 Days Campaign, 13 babies were saved.

National News

Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed to the Supreme Court, despite the smear attacks from the #MeToo Movement and Democrats helping CNN come up with false news narratives in an attempt to destroy his integrity.

The Supreme Court by a narrow 5-4 margin struck down a California Law forcing pregnancy centers in promoting abortion.

Abortion facilities have been shutting their doors. The tide is turning.
Republicans lost the House of Representatives, yet they gained four additional seats in the Senate.

What Can You Do?

After all of this, you might be asking how you can get involved. Easily put you can start defending life in your community today by being present. Sadly many young people are comfortable with the screen in the digital age of social media. However, it does not kill you to fast from it.

  • You need to be present in front of the abortion facilities praying for the mothers entering the facility, extending a hand of mercy, and being a peaceful loving present to the abortion workers and volunteers.
  • Volunteer at a local pregnancy center
  • Recruit more people to join the cause
  • Host pro life events in your community, college campus, and church
  • Ask your pastor to hold a holy hour for an end to abortion on a monthly or weekly basis
  • Ask a pro-life and chastity speaker to attend your next rally or event. Culture Project or Generation Life are definitely great speakers to have.
  • Write letters to your representatives persuading them to put forth life saving bills. 
  • Use your gifts and talents for the promotion of the culture of life
  • Most importantly don't be passive. It's better for you to get involved and one day abortion will be no more
  • Use social media to spread the word about pro life events and even post pro-life quotes on your status. Yes, you will lose friends, but remember Jesus Christ had lost some followers and was betrayed by one of his own apostles, so you're in good company.
  • Remember local pro-life groups in between your utility and cell phone bills by giving a donation.
  • Give away unused baby items to a women's shelter for expected mothers.
  • Organize a March for Life in your city

Looking ahead

Across many cities and states there are seats for city council, court, gubernational and even mayor. Do your part today to secure a principled consistent life candidate of character. Fight the power in your community today even if you must be imprisoned.

Vigils in Philadelphia area:

Monthly Vigils (prayer follows Mass)
  • 3rd Friday – 8 am Mass – Nativity Of Our Lord, 625 W. Street Rd. (PP Warminster) 
  • 1st Saturday – 7 am Mass – Christ The King, Morell & Chesterfield (PP Comly & Blvd.) 
  • 1st Saturday – 8 am Mass – St. Agnes, West Chester (PP West Chester) 
  • 1st Saturday – 8:30am Mass St. Laurence Upper Darby (PP Upper Darby) 
  • 3rd Saturday – 745 am Mass – St. John, 13th & Market (PP 12th & Locust) 
  • 4th Saturday – 6:30-8:45 am – Phila. Women’s Ctr., 8th & Appletree 

Weekly Vigils
  • Tuesdays 8 am to 12:30 pm – Planned Parenthood – West Chester 
  • Wed., Fri., Sat., 6am to 10 am- Planned Parenthood – Comly Road, Philadelphia 
  • Wed 8 am to 10 am and 830AM - 930AM (3rd Saturday)
  • Planned Parenthood- 1144 Locust Street- Philadelphia 
  • Wednesdays (1st & 3rd) 4pm to 5 pm – Planned Parenthood – Norristown 
  • Thursdays 2:30 to 3:30 – Planned Parenthood – Castor Avenue, Philadelphia 
  • Fridays 8 am to noon – Planned Parenthood – West Chester 
  • Fridays 7:30 am to noon – Planned Parenthood – Warminster 
  • Saturdays 6:30 to 8:30 am – Philadelphia Women’s Center – 8th & Appletree 
  • Saturdays noon to 1 pm – Planned Parenthood – Media

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