
Friday, December 14, 2018


by James Silberman
Created Equal

Before joining Created Equal, people would tell me you can’t change people’s minds on issues like abortion. “People think the way they think about it and you’re not going to change that,” I remember being told by numerous people.

For anyone of that mindset, I present to you the following video. (You can also view it on YouTube using this link.)

Continue reading this article and view another view here. 

Created Equal is a social action movement consisting of young activists seeking to end the greatest human rights injustice of our time. Killing preborn babies is nothing less than age-based discrimination of the worst kind. Our goal is to restore the true meaning of equality to include equal protection between the born and the preborn.

We will continue this work until the day abortion is abolished, but we need your help. Please consider donating to this mission. Use this link to help Created Equal with their work.

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