
Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Pro-Abortion Student Admits Defeat

Mark Harrington, President
Created Equal

Columbus, OH – Dec 18, 2018 – Lately, we’ve been sharing with you videos from the frontlines showing the wave of pro-abortion students changing their minds on abortion. This is merely a sneak peek of the fruit we see every day. Consider the latest clip we’ve released, in which a student initially says he accepts abortion but 90 seconds later, with our JumboTron TV screen playing abortion video, agrees it is never okay. What causes the change? Watch the video below to find out! (Not able to see the video below, view on YouTube here)

This has been a record-breaking year for the Created Equal team. We will end the year with over 330 outreach events. Since classes traditionally do not meet on Sunday, there are only about 313 school days per year. We had more outreaches in 2018 than there are school days in the year!

We doubled our college campus outreach in 2018, sharing truth at universities 78 times. We also deployed our JumboTron TV screen twice as many times this year as last year. And we continued to grow our high school outreach, setting up outside high schools 65 times this year.

Even more exciting is that just this fall we’ve had 893 students change their mind on abortion on the spot! This does not account for the vast amount of students who change their minds later after further reflection or do so immediately when seeing the pictures but never stop to tell us.
Our videos are proof these numbers reflect actual changes of heart and mind. This is our mission every single day.

Created Equal is a social action movement consisting of young activists seeking to end the greatest human rights injustice of our time. Killing preborn babies is nothing less than age-based discrimination of the worst kind. Our goal is to restore the true meaning of equality to include equal protection between the born and the preborn.

We will continue this work until the day abortion is abolished, but we need your help. Please consider donating to this mission. Use this link to help Created Equal with their work. 

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