
Monday, December 31, 2018

Mass for the Holy Innocents and Other Updates from Bucks County Pro-Life Coalition

Above picture is from one of our yearly Life Chains 

from Sandy Slater
Bucks County Pro-Life Coalition

The Mass of the Holy Innocents was beautiful. As usual, St. Cyril Church was beautifully decorated for Christmas, and as usual Monsignor Powell gave a beautiful homily. 

It was a biblical speech pertaining to the original Holy Innocents.  Monsignor made several deep points one of which was the wickedness of Herod. Again a person of great power killed--he even killed members of his own family besides his jealousy going after children 2 years of age and younger during the time of Jesus' birth. 

Something to think about the number of children killed at that time which would have been about 50 "at the max". Compare that with today's children aborted in the US alone is about 900,000/year which is supposedly down from a high of 1.50 million.

At the "Empty Manger" Caroling in Warminster on December 21st,  there were about 10 to 12 who attended in spite of the rain. We thank all who participated in this annual event.

In 2019, LIFE has to be revived through those who claim to be pro-life by witnessing wherever the unborn's life is being threatened. This would make a good New Year resolution to plan on participating at vigils at PP. 

Other resolutions or opportunities for you to think about:

  • Start a pro-life group in your parish. 
  • Follow the move of your legislators on pro-life issues and contact, him/her. 
  • Come to the Bucks County Pro-Life Meeting to check out a plan that would include your participation in growing the organization. The next meeting will be on Monday, January 28, 2019. 
  • Participate in the March for Life which is Friday January 18, 2019.

Does your parish have a bus going to DC? For one, there will be a bus going to DC from St. Isidore if you are interested in attending the March for Life. The information is in the St. Isidore Church Bulletin and on the website. It would be great to hear from you. 

In other areas of Bucks County, please contact Mary Cullinan by email at or by phone at 215-587-0500 to find information on additional bus locations.

For those who are not able to attend the March for Life in Washington, DC, please join us in front of the Warminister Planned Parenthood on January 18th to pray and give witness.  We will gather at 12 noon.

May God bless you and have a Blessed, Happy and healthy New Year.

The primary mission of the Bucks County Pro-Life Coalition is to provide financial support to area crisis pregnancy centers and educate the community regarding sanctity of life issues from conception until natural death.  For more information and for up-to-date articles and events, please follow us on Facebook here.

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