
Saturday, December 1, 2018

Men Describe Suffering From Post-Abortion Trauma: ‘I Was Totally Destroyed’

By Sarah Terzo
Live Action News

Much of the time, when one thinks of abortion regret, it is usually the post-abortive woman that comes to mind. But many men also struggle with regret from playing either passive or active roles in the abortions of their children.

In her book, “Killing Sarah Grace,” Stacy Sistrunk wrote that before her abortion, her ex-boyfriend came to her house and begged her not to abort:

Once he arrived and we sat down to talk, he began to cry. He was begging me to keep our child. He promised to help me, even if I did not want to be with him. He offered to take the child himself and raise it if I did not want to.

I was totally deaf to his plea. For a brief moment, I remember feeling for him as he was obviously in pain over this. How ironic that this young man, although not very much to the world and with little to offer anyone, was begging for his child….

I told him I would consider all he had said and he left in no better state than in which he came. I did not speak to him again before the procedure.1

READ: Fathers express post-abortion regret: ‘I’m a father of five, but I only raised three’

Many years later, Sistrunk came to regret her abortion. She wrote a letter to her baby’s father:

I had to ask my child’s father to forgive me for aborting our child. It was maybe the most difficult letter I had ever written.…

I do not remember the exact contents, but I know I was sincere, and I remember sobbing as I wrote. It was a bit challenging to find an address for him and so I contacted his sister.… She agreed to deliver it to him. I still have no idea if he ever received it. I never heard from him.…

[Years later] it was… sad to hear that his life had been a mess full of time in jail, drugs, etc. I started to feel somewhat responsible, but God reminded me that I had given it all to him. I silently prayed for him one night and I let it go.2

While we don’t know if regret over the abortion contributed to the man’s drug abuse, it is clear he had serious problems in his life after the abortion.

Sistrunk’s ex-boyfriend is not alone. Sadly, there are many similar testimonies. Here is one by a man named Randy:

I was just devastated. I remember falling off my bed… and I couldn’t get up. I thought I’d lost my mind. At that point, I was totally destroyed.… My baby was sentenced to be killed for no purpose and it made no sense to me.

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National Hotline: Call 1-800-712-HELP or Text 'HELPLINE' to 313131.
In Southeast Penna:  Call the Community Women's Center at  215-826-8090

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