
Monday, December 17, 2018

Planned Parenthood in Berks County Serenaded by Members of Pro-Life Berks

Members of Pro-Life Berks held their Peace in the Womb Christmas Caroling outside of the Planned Parenthood in Reading, Pennsylvania on Saturday, December 15th.

This event was organized by
 Kathy Kuhns who heads up Pro-Life Berks, the local sponsor of this event.  According to Helen MacMinn, there were about twelve pro-life warriors who came out to sing and give public witness to the atrocities that take place at this facility. "We had a number of people stop to listen and we engaged people in conversation about Planned Parenthood," Helen stated. "All agreed that abortion is murder." 

There are still many Peace in the Womb Christmas Caroling events scheduled across the country. Please use this link to find one in your area.

Pro-Life Berks supports human life from conception to natural death.

We witness, pray and do sidewalk counseling every week at Reading Planned Parenthood. Pro-Life Berks practices peaceful, Christian witness, and opposes the use of force.

We pray and do sidewalk counseling, currently every Tuesday morning at Reading Planned Parenthood.

Pro-Life Berks publishes a monthly newsletter, and produces a bi-monthly pro-life, community television program on

We also organize the 40 Days for Life Campaign and Prayer Vigil at Reading Planned Parenthood.

You can find more information on this organization on Facebook using this link.  Visit their website here.  


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