
Saturday, December 15, 2018

Pro-Life People Brave the Cold to Joyfully Sing Christmas Carols Outside Abortion Clinics

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Pro-lifers will bring joy and light to one of the darkest places in America this winter by singing Christmas carols outside abortion facilities.

The gatherings this year center around the theme “Peace in the Womb,” and are meant to bring hope to mothers and their unborn babies through the celebration of Jesus Christ’s birth.

Eric J. Scheidler, executive director of the Pro-Life Action League, said this is their 16thyear of Christmas caroling outside abortion facilities.

“The message of the Christmas angels is, ‘Be not afraid.’ This is the same message our carolers are sharing with abortion-minded mothers,” Scheidler said. “Whatever fear might be bringing them to the abortion clinic, we want to help, in any way that we can.”
He said the pro-life carolers will be prepared to refer women to pregnancy centers that offer a wide range of free services to help them choose life for their babies.

There are 88 events planned at abortion facilities across America. One already happened at the Planned Parenthood in Columbia, Missouri.

Mike and Kathy Forck, campaign directors for the Columbia 40 Days for Life, said about 20 carolers participated in their Dec. 4 outreach.

“It was a very cold night, but it did not dampen the enthusiasm as Planned Parenthood a couple of clients came and went, a Planned Parenthood escort left early and a good time was had by all the singers,” they said in an email to participants.
Along with singing carols, the Forcks said their group also donated baby diapers and displayed them in an empty manger to symbolize the approximately 77 babies who recently were aborted at the Columbia facility.
“We pray for all of them and hope that Jesus will be able to break through to them and share the peace of the Season and heal their hearts,” the couple said.
Scheidler said they have seven caroling events planned in Chicago alone. Dozens of others are planned in 31 states across the U.S.
“Over the sixteen years that the Pro-Life Action League has coordinated caroling outside of abortion clinics, many women have decided against abortion after hearing the pro-life singers—including nine in 2016 alone,” he said.
For a complete listing of locations and details, click here.

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