
Monday, December 10, 2018

WACO ACTION ALERT: Pro-life Warrior, Carolyn Knowles has Passed to her Eternal Reward

Carolyn Knowles with Rusty Thomas about a decade ago.

from John Pisciotta, Director
Pro-Life Waco

Carolyn Knowles, the “grandmother” of the pro-life movement in Waco, has joined her Lord and Savior. Carolyn passed on Tuesday, December 4, in Galveston, Texas at the age of 94. She has lived with her daughter in Galveston for the last 3 years. Carolyn was a friend AND INSPIRATION to many who are reading and writing this message. Arrangements are being made for a memorial service in Waco. Carolyn will be interred here in Waco adjacent to her two sons.

I will keep you posted on the opportunity we will have to come together and celebrate Carolyn’s life.

I write here to recall memories of Carolyn for those who knew her and to let others know about her. In 1942, a couple years before I was born, Carolyn graduated from Baylor University and had a fruitful career in teaching. She was born and raised in Louisiana, the daughter of a Baptist pastor.

When Pro-Life Waco bought a billboard truck in 2009, we thought the truck should have a name. Someone suggested Carolyn. We agreed nothing could be more appropriate.

Like many others, I was tardy in life to begin work in the pro-life vineyard. Not Carolyn! Abortion in Waco began in January 1994 at 1927 Columbus Avenue. Prior to this sad beginning, there were three years of controversy over the prospect of Planned Parenthood opening an abortion facility. Carolyn was fully engaged in that battle AND continued to contend with abortion in our midst. Abortion continued for almost 2 decades at 1927 Columbus with a circuit-rider abortionist coming to Waco one day each week. Unless there was something serious keeping her away, Carolyn was there on abortion days offering sidewalk counseling and prayer support. Carolyn Knowles is the only disciple of Christ I know of who engaged in sidewalk ministry for THE ENTIRE 17 YEARS of Planned Parenthood on Columbus Avenue.

In December 2011, the Columbus Avenue abortion facility closed and abortions were shifted to Planned Parenthood at Ross Avenue. Of course, Carolyn shifted to outreach at Ross Avenue until her health began to falter.

Thanks to Carolyn and others there were many moms and babies that averted abortion tragedies and turned to life.

Recently I read a short article regarding evidence for the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The author said a critical piece of evidence is the radical divergence of the life of dedicated followers of Christ from the way of the world. Carolyn was a model of sacrificial dedication to Christ for me and for many others. Carolyn’s life testifies to the truth of the Gospel.

Here’s a personal story about the dear, and somewhat stubborn, Carolyn. Carolyn was very slight in stature, weighing 100 pounds more or less. However, she was very strong very strong-willed. Carolyn participated in all the outreach events of Pro-Life Waco. When Carolyn was in her upper 80s, she was a regular at First Sunday Life Chain at the corner of Valley Mills Drive and Waco Drive. It was July and quite hot. I took upon myself to tell/suggest to Carolyn that she take a pass on Life Chain during the hot summer months of August and September. She nodded, but otherwise did not respond. A few days later, I received a note in the mail. I don't recall the exact words. But basically, this the message was, “John, I'm capable of knowing what I can and cannot do.” Carolyn continued with Life Chain through summer.

I hope you can be there for the celebration of the life of this a small but mighty warrior in the army of Jesus Christ.
Pro-Life Waco is a local community-based organization with collaborative relationships with regional and national pro-life affiliations. Pro-Life Waco is committed to ending abortion, its damaging effects among women, and promoting chastity. For more information on Pro-Life Waco, please use this link.

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