
Wednesday, January 23, 2019

A Tale of Two Marches: First hand account

"It was the best of time; it was the worst of times" Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities

How can a march that gave a voice for those who couldn't speak turn into a demonstration of privilege, abortion, and toxic feminism?

That is the question I have ponder the last few days when I attended the March for Life and the Women's March. After a heart to heart conversation with my mother (always eager to know about my travels), I felt like I had to write something comparing both of these marches. I encourage everyone who reads this post to pray for the conversion of those involved with abortion and for an end to both toxic feminism and masculinity that is dividing our culture.

March for Life January 18th 2019

I attended with 650,000 attendees who gave a voice to the voiceless (the unborn). As I took in the procession heading towards the Supreme Courthouse, I heard from the marchers singing, praying, and most importantly chants for the defense of life. They all were smiling and full of life.

Women's March January 19th 2019

The next day our nation's capital goes from a march for the voiceless to a march of being privileged and part of the walking dead. When I stood in downtown DC to watch tens of thousands of women take to the streets with abortion, anti-Trump, and even religious bigotry signs, my heart sunk. Why has our culture turned a blind-eye with apathy towards our neighbors? The Women's March was nothing but a parade for the walking dead and hypocrites in our culture who bought the counterfeit.

Even a brave small group of pro-lifers who countered the event received hatred from the participants to the point that they had to censor the anti-abortion signs. Two participants even claimed that I was brainwashed. One disclosed how she aborted two  children because she "was not ready for a child", but she became an adopted mother later in life.

We have much work that needs to done if we want to change the culture. The good news is that we have God and truth on our side.

To be combatant against this culture of death, selfishness, apathy, and even brokenness we must be equipped with love, mercy, and hope. The pro-life movement is one of love. Love conquers all. 

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