
Sunday, January 20, 2019

Abortion is at 'Ttpping Point' in Society and Life Leaders Say at March for Life

Participants in the March for Life 2019 assemble at US Supreme Court
on Jan. 18, 2019.The Christian Post

By Brandon Showalter

Christian Post

The decades long cause to defend the unborn is nearing the "tipping point" in society and in government, longtime pro-life leaders and legislators say.
"For the first time in my adult life I can see the light at the end of the tunnel on the issue of life," said Penny Nance, president of Concerned Women for America, in a Friday interview with The Christian Post on the National Mall behind the March for Life stage before the noon rally.
"And I feel more passionate and optimistic than I have about the cause in years," she said, mentioning President Trump's judicial appointments, including two Supreme Court justices.
Her organization is going to "stomp on the gas" to get the dozens of pending nominees through in the next two years, she explained, "and God willing another four with this president."
"And we don't wish any ill; in fact, we're praying for the health of [Supreme Court] Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. But regardless of what happens, there might be a retirement and we're ready."
"We've had two Supreme Court justices confirmed with the most hostile conditions possible; the left has thrown everything at us that they possibly could. And make no mistake, the controversy around [Justice] Brett Kavanaugh was about one woman, and her name is Jane Roe," she said, referring to the plaintiff in Roe v. Wade, the 1973 landmark case legalizing abortion nationwide.
Nance stressed: "And we will be ready to do the same with the next justice, whoever that is and whenever that is."

Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List, a pro-life political action committee that works to elect pro-life women to Congress, shares Nance's optimism, particularly in light of the current data.
"We're just about at the tip of the tipping point," she told CP Friday.
"Some of the recent polling coming out is even surprising to me," she said, encouraged by Marist surveys showing self-described pro-choice people saying abortion should be restricted to the first trimester.
Dannenfelser is also buoyed by the pro-life majority in the U.S. Senate and believes that in the coming months and years the Supreme court will allow more humane laws to be tested.
"I don't take anything for granted, ever. But we're in a really good place and we need to keep going," she said.
Polling numbers among the millennial generation, regardless of their political affiliation, are also trending in a good direction, the SBA-List president said.
"It's not a conservative or liberal issue for millennials, it's a justice issue for them. It transcends the political boundaries and that's why we're looking at a tipping point."
Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America, concurs, noting that millennials understand science and believe abortion to be a fundamental human rights violation, and is an act of violence.
"Only 7 percent of millennials actual agree with the Democratic National Committee's official platform on abortion, which is abortion in all nine months for whatever reason, taxpayer-funded. They are the extremists on abortion, not us," she commented to CP in the March for Life press tent.

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