
Sunday, January 6, 2019

Americans Should Know When Their Health Plan Covers Abortion

from Human Life Action

The Trump Administration has proposed a new pro-life rule. Can you raise your voice to support it?

Here’s the story: Many Americans using an Affordable Care Act (ACA) health plan don’t know if their plan covers elective abortion. Though the law requires health insurance companies with plans that cover elective abortion to collect a separate payment for abortion coverage, this has often been ignored.

To help fix this problem, the Department of Health and Human Services has proposed a new rule that would require insurance companies to send their customers a separate monthly bill for the part of their health premium that covers abortion. That way, everyone with a plan that covers elective abortion knows just where their money goes.

Many of you may be wondering, why can’t we just change the law to prohibit use of taxpayer dollars to pay for health plans that cover abortion? That is still the goal, but in the meantime, until Congress takes that action, this “Separate Payments” rule will allow consumers to see more clearly when they are paying for elective abortions and to seek a plan that does not cover it. It may also motivate companies to offer more plans WITHOUT abortion coverage. For more background information on the Separate Payments Rule and why it is necessary, please click here.

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has written formal comments applauding the government, and we invite you to add yours as well. Pro-abortion groups will write in as many negative comments about the rule as they can. All the more reason to raise your voice in support of it!

Comments on the proposed rule are being accepted by the Administration through January 8, 2019, so please write them as soon as you can - before the holidays get away from you.

Human Life Action, an initiative of NCHLA, stands for the inherent dignity of every life and the power of all Americans to shape policy that affirms life.  For more information, please use this link. 


  1. The Democrats are retaliating against Christians who stood their moral ground with the 2016 Election. Now they have the house they are doing everything they can to strike back at us. I see many posts by my fellow Christians but no one is taking action. I have written to the Pope, the San Francisco Archbishop, Nancy, Pelosi (that she needs to be excommunicated), the Democrat Party for their departure from the Values they held in the past before Obama, and I have posted this on Catholic Tea Party, Catholics for Trump, Roman Catholics Where are the rest of you. Do we just stand by and complain and let things go? What are your thoughts?

  2. The Democrats are retaliating against Christians who stood their moral ground with the 2016 Election. Now they have the house they are doing everything they can to strike back at us. I see many posts by my fellow Christians but no one is taking action. I have written to the Pope, the San Francisco Archbishop, Nancy, Pelosi (that she needs to be excommunicated), the Democrat Party for their departure from the Values they held in the past before Obama, and I have posted this on Catholic Tea Party, Catholics for Trump, Roman Catholics Where are the rest of you. Do we just stand by and complain and let things go? What are your thoughts?
