
Friday, January 25, 2019

Andrew Cuomo and the Great Divide Among Catholic Americans: Blood on His Hands And How to Respond


It seems that the battle lines have been drawn. In light of the barbaric bill signed into law by NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo, he becomes a predominant example of what is wrong with the Catholic Church in the United States. Granted, the last 50 years has seen more Catholics still continuing their support for the Democratic Party. As the political apparatus operates on anti-Catholic bigotry, abortion on demand, sodomy, and worst of all advocating for cop killers and other forms of violent criminals.

Cuomo is not alone. Over the years, we have seen many so called "Catholics" who continue to support abortion, yet they are willing to protect the lives of those on death row, war-torn countries, contemplated suicide, and even immigrants. Many examples range from  Tim Kaine, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Jerry Brown, , John Kerry, et al. These so called Catholics need our prayers.

The Teaching on Abortion

Since the first century, the Catholic Church has condemned abortion. The Catechism clear states that "Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception. From the first moment of his existence, a human being must be recognized as having the rights of a person - among which is the inviolable right of every innocent being to life."

As far as those who commit this heinous crime is concerned, it goes on to say: "Formal cooperation in an abortion constitutes a grave offense.  The Church attaches the canonical penalty of excommunication to this crime against human life. A person who procures a completed abortion incurs excommunication latae sententiae, "by the very commission of the offense," and subject to the conditions provided by Canon Law. The Church does not thereby intend to restrict the scope of mercy.  Rather, she makes clear the gravity of the crime committed, the irreparable harm done to the innocent who is put to death, as well as to the parents and the whole of society."

What Must Catholics Do?

This episode in the History of Catholic America draws out three things we need to do if we want Catholics in public office to mirror the lives of saints like Thomas More.

The Catholic Church does not need to be in a cafeteria. In fact, they should destroy the cafeteria Catholicism and in turn it needs to be in the battlefields of their community, home, work, and even public square preaching the cardinal and theological virtues to change hearts, minds, and even shape the conscience of the ignorant. They must set up field hospitals for those who are marginalized, betray, and even those who are hungry for the truth.

The Dynamic Catholic is not afraid to be like the first apostles. Rather, they turn the other cheek when mocked, keep pushing forward when taunted by those who have hatred towards the church, and forgive those who have trespassed against them.

I have drawn three conclusions to raise up a fearless generation of Catholics.

1) Pray. Padre Pio reminds us that the rosary is the weapon of our times. Likewise, every catholic must commit to a weekly holy hour. St. Teresa of Calcutta remarked that if Catholics take part in a weekly holy hour, abortion "will end in America."

2) Fulfill the Works of Mercy. The works of mercy, which contains 14 of them, is a way for us to mirror the life of Jesus in our daily lives. Now we cannot convert every single person, but we can a small step by focusing on one person. "Life truly has purpose and meaning when you generously give of yourself to others." A Theology Teacher in Philadelphia

3) Be not Afraid. The bible has reiterated this phrase 365 times. That's equivalent to a daily reminder on your phone or even your calendar for one year. We are called to be fearless. We must go into the streets and make noise for the gospel rich in mercy and love.

Herb Brooks said "Great moments are born from great opportunity." Pro-lifers earned this by doing everything they have to change hearts and minds today for a better tomorrow.

"Our job is to slay the sin of abortion and to win back the women and men who are captive to the culture of violence and despair it creates," Archbishop Charles Chaput

Had An Abortion? What to Do?

I hope I reach out to anyone who needs answers on how to sought out God's forgiveness if they participated in the grave sin of abortion. Let me tell you: You are never too far from God's mercy and redeeming grace. Seek him in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, take part in a post-abortion retreat near you, and most importantly forgive yourself.

1 comment:

  1. Demonic activity.... Fight for the innocent... Scream talk write about it call Congress tell him he is a murderer like Nero Caligula...hitller.... Holocaust of innocents.... g God have mercy!!!!9
