
Thursday, January 10, 2019

Congresswoman Introduces New Bill to Defund Planned Parenthood Abortion Business

By Steven Ertelt
Life News

A leading pro-life member of Congress introduced new legislation today to defund the Planned Parenthood abortion business. The nation’s biggest abortion company has received billions of taxpayer dollars over the years, but President Donald Trump and pro-life advocates have made it a priority to revoke its funding where possible.

Rep. Vicky Hartzler, a Republican who leads the House Vales Action Team, introduced the Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2019 in the House today.It would revoke Planned Parenthood funding via Medicaid, while the Trump administration has been working to defund other Planned Parenthood funding streams.

National Right to Life Legislative Director Jennifer Popik, told LifeNews there is a partisan divide on whether the abortion giant should be funded.
“Most Democrats in Congress think Planned Parenthood can do no wrong. Congresswoman Hartzler knows better and we thank her for her leadership in working to defund America’s largest abortion provider.”
Popik said Planned Parenthood continues to downplay abortion’s significance to its bottom line, recycling the much-debunked statistic that abortion constitutes merely 3% of its services. As National Right to Life has analyzed previously, this is a statistical artifice that even Planned Parenthood’s media allies are reluctant to defend. 

The data show abortion still plays a huge role in Planned Parenthood’s mission and policies, not to mention its bottom line. Planned Parenthood now performs more than a third of all abortions in the United States and continuing to be its biggest defender in the legislature and the courts.

In fact, according to their own annual report, Planned Parenthood and its affiliates last year received $543.7 million, or 37%, of its total in revenues funding from federal, state and local grants and payments. 

Under the newly introduced legislation, all funds that are no longer available to abortion providers, including Planned Parenthood, are explicitly made available to other eligible entities to provide women’s health care services.

The abortion corporation remains funded despite the partial government shutdown. The House has approved bills to defund Planned Parenthood only to see Senate Democrats kill them.

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