
Sunday, January 27, 2019

Hundreds of Pro-Lifers Bring Love to Desolate Sidewalk; Honor John Stanton

On a cold Saturday morning, 200 pro-lifers peacefully and lovingly assembled outside of Philadelphia Women's Center to remember John Stanton, the godfather of the Philadelphia Pro-Life Movement.

The rally featured a diverse group of speakers from former abortion clients to young leaders of the Pro-Life movement.

One such was Marlene Downing who spoke about how she had two abortions. She recalled how she first came out to pray outside of Philadelphia Women's Center to sing Christmas Carols. When researching John Stanton, she was in awe of the fact that he sung with a group. She shared how she had two abortions and was plagued with fear. What brought her back to life was Jesus.

Another was Ilyana who is a mother of six. She reflected on encountering John 6 years ago outside of the same post where many gathered. She was riddled with neglected, broken home, and even lonliness. The day she showed up, the workers refused to help her and have her see her sonogram. John's son Patrick,  pleaded for her to keep her child and she later gave birth to a baby boy who cannot stop smiling. Though struggling she refuses to give up and pray for women of her color who diss her. She was later told, "Give your kids what they need. Love."

Kate D'Adamo of Generation Life reflected on the recent March for Life and how there was hundreds of thousands of people marching to give a voice to the voiceless. She reminded everyone that we must "march every day in our communities for life".

Likewise, Dominic Sceski, a sophomore at Villanova University, encouraged all to be pro-life 365 days a year, not every January 22nd.

For seminarian Augustus DeSimone, he admitted that it is a hard fought battle. He takes heart that the stories will inspire the generation coming up. He hopes they bring about a world of love

During mass, Fr. Joe Zaleski recalled how he brought a group from school to pray outside of 777 Appletree Street to pray. Minutes into their arrival, John Stanton got punched, yet he still carried himself by forgiving the man and refuse to press charges.

All those gathered with the same zeal that the late founder had. All were encouraged to bring that joy in their daily lives.

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