
Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Just a Reminder - Prayer Rally Outside of Planned Parenthood in Warminster, Pa on January 18th

While most of you will be traveling to Washington, DC on Friday, January 18th, we know there are some from our area who would like to participate, but for various reasons cannot travel to Washington, DC that day. For this reason a Prayer Rally will be held outside the Warminster, Planned Parenthood on January 18th for those who wish to be part of the activities in some way.

Prayer is the most important weapon we have to combat the evils in our society; and prayer vigils outside of abortion facilities combine this powerful weapon with our witness to the crimes against humanity taking place in our communities every day.  
If you are unable to attend the March for Life in Washington, DC, please consider coming out to pray and give witness with us. 

We will gather outside of Planned Parenthood on Louis Drive at 12 noon. Signs will be provided. Hope to see many of you then.

This event is sponsored by the Bucks County Pro-Life Coalition 


The primary mission of the Bucks County Pro-Life Coalition is to provide financial support to area crisis pregnancy centers and educate the community regarding sanctity of life issues from conception until natural death.  For more information and for up-to-date articles and events, please follow us on Facebook here.

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