
Monday, January 28, 2019

Liberal Media Trashed Pro-Life Teens Extensively, Spent Just 58 Seconds on Actual March for Life

By Kristan Hawkins
Life News

It’s almost cliché in pro-life circles that on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade for coming close to 50 years, hundreds of thousands of people march for life, and almost no one in the media can see them. Like Pro-Life Ninjas, they move in and out of the nation’s capitol undetected….until a teenager with a “Make America Great Again” hat was faced with a reality of political life today, the professional protestor causing agitation while fellow activists filmed attempts to cause a media moment.

And it worked, at least at first, as many rushed to judgment.

But what is also amazing to me is how aggressively the media ignores hundreds and thousands people — nuns and pastors, families made by adoption and birth, young and old, rich and poor, volunteers in pregnancy care centers and students from across the country — all marching for Life. They see nothing, wading through a crowd, to find something they can criticize. Attacking students based on a few minutes of video is offensive for many reasons, but ignoring all that could be easily seen is just as problematic. 

The story of the March for Life deserves to be told by those members of the Fourth Estate who ignore it because of their bias and prejudice against people of faith and in favor of abortion.

Consider that according to the Media Research Center, the major news networks devoted just 58 seconds to the March for Life while the so-called Women’s March (an unwelcoming event for pro-life women) got 15 times more coverage.

But, major news organizations, including Buzzfeed, Huffington Post, USA Today, and New York Times, all suddenly discovered that the March for Life was happening in time to raise public sentiment against Catholic teens wearing Trump hats who were allegedly mocking a a Native American veteran of the Vietnam war (a claim that was stolen valor and has since been debunked.

But it wasn’t just this student who faced attack for his alleged views. It’s common for abortion activists to falsely attack marchers, saying that we only love babies in the womb, want to force women to give birth or that we are not here for mothers after the birth of a child. How wrong they are.

How is it that they miss the tens of thousands of diapers collected every year by Students for Life groups? Or the tens of thousands of dollars raised by Students for Life groups to help pregnant and parenting students? Or how do they miss the numerous good works of other pro-life groups that run pregnancy resource centers, maternity homes, or free medical clinics?

The day after this alleged incident, Students for Life of America hosted more than 2,500 young, pro-life leaders to talk about how the Pro-Life Generation will abolish abortion.

Life News continues here

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Pregnant, need help or know someone who does? 

National Hotline: Call 1-800-712-HELP or Text 'HELPLINE' to 313131.

In Southeast Penna:  Call the Community Women's Center at  215-826-8090

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