
Monday, January 21, 2019

March for Life Recap: From a Marcher's Perspective

In the last 10 years, I have attended the March for Life in our nation's capital. It is always great to see many people, especially young people giving witness to life.

I have seen much in the span of 2009-2019. One thing is still clear: every person marching is giving a voice to those who were silenced, especially 1/3 of millennials killed by the silent holocaust of our time.

Here's a timeline of the 8 Marches I've attended in the last 10 years


Courtesy of Google

My first March for Life took place following the inauguration of the 44th POTUS. I remember clearly these signs. Sadly, the left sign can be no further from the church regarding Catholics support for abortion. I remember one speaker that change is needed now.


Months before ACA was passed I attended my second March for Life on a cloudy cold January morning.




2014; 2016

I missed the marches those yeas due to a blizzard.


The March for Life continued to get stronger as it reached more than half a million attendees. As marchers proceeded to the Supreme Court, a small group of 50 pro-choicers refuse to clear the route, leading to their arrests.


The March for Life in 2017 took place one week after the inauguration of President Donald Trump. The best highlight that year was meeting Father Stephen Imbarratto from Priest for Life, now Red Rose Rescue.


President Trump addressed the crowd via livestream. Vice President Pence became the first high ranking official to attend the March for Life


I got ahead of the crowd and countered 50 pro-aborts at the Supreme Court. They would soon be heavily outnumbered by 600,000+ smiling, loving pro-lifers

Any changes?

I may have gotten older. I first attended when I was a senior in high school. Now, I am a 29 year old college graduate who continues to make a difference in Philadelphia. I may not be a perfect pro-lifer (I struggle with anger issues), but I know humility will help me in my fight against abortion. I must empty myself as Jesus will increase in my heart, mind, and soul.

What now?

It's easy to attend the March for Life every year, but what about the other 364 days of the year?  We must take small steps towards doing a daily march for life in our community. The best way to start is to participate in prayer vigils in your community, volunteer and support a pregnancy resource center near you, write to your representative, share pro-life messages on social media, recruit your family and friends to get involved, and most importantly pray for an end to abortion.

Don't make the March for Life your only way to live out the pro-life message. It's a daily commitment. Are you ready to give it your all?

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