
Friday, January 25, 2019

NY Catholic Bishop Questions Gov. Cuomo's Faith Over ‘Death Star’ Abortion Law

Even though he is divorced, supports same-sex marriage and abortion rights, Cuomo still considers himself a practicing Roman Catholic but wouldn’t go as far as to say 
he is devout...

By Leonardo Blair
Christian Post

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's faith is being questioned after he signed a bill into law that legalizes abortion up to birth for any reason.

Section 2 of the controversial Reproductive Health Act states that “an abortion May be performed by a licensed, certified, or authorized practitioner within 24 weeks from the commencement of pregnancy, or there is an absence of fetal viability, or at any time when necessary to protect a patient's life or health.”

In an open letter Saturday to the governor in The Evangelist, the official publication for the Diocese of Albany, the Most Rev. Edward B. Scharfenberger called into question Cuomo's Catholic faith, arguing that what the bill permits is contrary to the teachings of the Catholic faith he professes.
“Although in your recent state of state address you cited your Catholic faith and said we should ‘stand with Pope Francis.’ Your advocacy of extreme abortion legislation is completely contrary to the teachings of our pope and our Church. Once truth is separated from fiction and people come to realize the impact of the bill, they will be shocked to their core. By that time, however, it may be too late to save the countless lives that will be lost or spare countless women lifelong regret,” wrote Scharfenberger.
Cuomo signed the controversial Reproductive Health Act into law at a reception in the Executive Mansion immediately after legislators voted to approve it on the 46th anniversary of the 1973 Roe v. WadeSupreme Court ruling.
“Today I signed the #ReproductiveHealthAct — codifying Roe v. Wadeinto state law and protecting women's reproductive rights no matter what the federal government does. This is a victory for all New Yorkers,” Cuomo said in a tweet Tuesday.
“Many of the state Senators and Assembly Members who voted for this abortion expansion are mothers themselves, who felt their child toss, turn and kick in their womb, and delighted in the progress of their pregnancy. Many others, as well as our governor, are fathers, who held their partner’s hand as they viewed the ultrasound videos, watched their child squirm and rejoiced at the first sound of a heartbeat. 
Many of these same officials were themselves born into less-than-perfect conditions – poverty, health problems, disabilities, broken families. All overcame these issues to rise to leadership in our state, because their parents chose life for them,” it said. The New York State Catholic Conference said in a statement after the vote Tuesday that it was a tragic chapter in the state’s history.
“Many of the state Senators and Assembly Members who voted for this abortion expansion are mothers themselves, who felt their child toss, turn and kick in their womb, and delighted in the progress of their pregnancy. Many others, as well as our governor, are fathers, who held their partner’s hand as they viewed the ultrasound videos, watched their child squirm and rejoiced at the first sound of a heartbeat. Many of these same officials were themselves born into less-than-perfect conditions – poverty, health problems, disabilities, broken families. All overcame these issues to rise to leadership in our state, because their parents chose life for them,” it said.
 Continue reading report here

1 comment:

  1. Any priest that would give Cuomo communion after this should be defrocked!
