
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Pennsylvania Action Alert: Lawmakers Want to Take Away our Right to Vote for Judges

Maria Gallagher, Legislator Director
Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation

Unfortunately, Pennsylvania lawmakers have resurrected a dangerous plan that would take away our right to vote for judges for appellate courts. The proposed bill would mean that a pro-abortion Governor would be given the power to appoint judges.


Please call and email your state representative with this urgent message: “I don’t want my right to vote for judges to be taken away. Please oppose so-called merit selection of judges legislation.”

If you don’t know who your state representative is, or you need contact information, please click here. 

Please note: The bill does not have a bill number yet, but a co-sponsorship memo for the bill is being circulated by Rep. Paul Schemel.

Thank you so much for your help!

The Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation is a grassroots right-to-life organization with members statewide. As the state affiliate of National Right to Life, PPLF is committed to promoting the dignity and value of human life from conception to natural death and to restoring legal protection for preborn children. For more information on the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation, please use this link.

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