
Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Petition to New York Legislators: Stop the Back Alley Abortion Act

Kira Nelson, CitizenGO
and our friends at Personhood Alliance 

Governor Cuomo and Hillary Clinton want to make New York the most pro-abortion state in the country. The Reproductive Health Act, also known as the Back Alley Abortion Act, would guarantee abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy, prohibit born-alive protections for babies who survive botched abortions, and eliminate any and all health and safety regulations relating to abortion from the New York criminal code. If this Act passes into law, New York would become a magnet for abortionists like Kermit Gosnell.

At a rally just a few days ago, Hillary Clinton and Governor Cuomo (the man who said pro-lifers are not welcome in his state) told a cheering crowd of radical leftists that the new law was necesary to protect New York from President Trump's new Supreme Court appointments. However, the law would actually go even further than Roe v. Wade, declaring abortion to be a fundamental human right. This would jeopardize the freedom of conscience of medical professionals from collaborating and participating in abortions.

The state of New York already has twice the abortion rate than the national average, and New York alone has over 200 abortuaries. Also, keeping in line with the racist and eugenic roots of abortion, a majority of the roughly 120,000 children killed by abortion in New York every year are children of color from lower socio-economic backgrounds.

For many years, the Republican New York Senate held back the legislation. But a new wave of radical progressive Senators have taken over the state senate, and they have vowed to fast-track the legislation in order to pass it on January 22, in honor of Roe v. Wade.

To summarize, the legislation it would:
  • Eliminate any and all penalties related to abortion from the New York criminal code. This includes the repeal of a section of New York law that requires medical assistance to be provided to babies who survive an abortion. What this means is New York will allow abortion through all nine months of pregnancy and even after birth.
  • It will declare abortion a fundamental right. This means that pro-life doctors and nurses, or even "pro-choice" doctors who, for whatever reason, do not wish to commit an abortion, could be forced to carry them out.
  • It will eliminate the current requirement that a doctor supervise a late-term abortion. Under the new law, practically anyone will be able to commit dangerous late-term abortions.
The Back Alley Abortion Act is the most radical abortion law in the history of the United States. Its aim is to completely dehumanize the child in the womb and deregulate the business of killing them.

Please sign and share the petition to stop this radical abortion bill from becoming law.

CitizenGO is a community of active citizens that seeks to defend life, the family and fundamental rights worldwide. To find out more about CitizenGO click here or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

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