
Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Pro-Lifers Save Two Babies by Singing Christmas Carols Outside Abortion Centers

By Lisa Bourne
Life Site News

Pro-life advocates singing Christmas carols outside abortion facilities saved at least two lives from abortion this past weekend.

In Wood Dale, Illinois, a woman left the abortion facility where pro-life carolers were signing and came to tell them she and her boyfriend decided to keep their baby.

Similarly in Orange, California, a woman who had been moved by the caroling came out of the Planned Parenthood there, telling pro-lifers she had decided to keep her child.

Pro-lifers were able to get the Illinois couple to a local pregnancy center and give them a gift of baby booties for their child, according the Pro-Life Action League, and the California woman was also directed to a local pregnancy center and given a baby sweater for her child on the way.

The group has organized pro-life caroling in some form for 16 years, most recently with the Peace in the Womb theme.

“The fifth annual Peace in the Womb caroling day was a great success,” Pro-Life Action League Assistant Communications Director Matthew Yonke told LifeSiteNews. “With 96 locations nationwide, we brought the message of Christmas hope to abortion facilities from New York to California and all points between.”
With Christmas approaching, the Pro-Life Action League organizes the event as a reminder that while many are making joyful holiday plans, some mothers facing untimely pregnancies are making “much more sorrowful plans” in planning an abortion.

So to bring the light of Christmas to one of the darkest places there is – where babies are aborted – pro-life Christmas carolers met outside the Chicago-area abortion facilities and others this past Saturday, with the message of Christmas hope.

The Pro-Life Action League registered Peace in the Womb caroling events in some 30-plus states between Saturday and other December dates, with some still to come.

The Peace in the Womb caroling day allows pro-lifers to let women seeking abortions know through the Christmas hymns and their presence that there are other hopeful options, and to make help available to the women if they choose life for their child.

More than 90 people turned out Saturday to sing carols for the seven different abortion facilities in the two Illinois caroling tours – four on the Chicago tour, and three in DuPage County.

“We were thrilled to hear about two babies saved from abortion this year – that we know of,” Yonke said, “and there were very few negative interactions with police or passersby.”
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Pregnant, need help or know someone who does?

National Hotline: Call 1-800-712-HELP or Text 'HELPLINE' to 313131.

In Southeast Penna: Call the Community Women's Center at 215-826-8090

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