
Saturday, January 5, 2019

Upon One Decision

by Timothy Sica

2018 is over. It is now in the past.

In 2018 we lost over 42 million unborn babies worldwide due to abortion*. That is a number, it is inhuman, it is not delicate nor beautiful. It can not show what we lost. 42,000,000+. It is brutal.

We all have a choice to make this year and every day of our lives. We can all sit on the fence, or we can help take away from the numbers and replace them with small children. Happy, playfull, innocent and beatiful infants.

In 2018 over 42,000,000 live human beings were killed. They were not even given a chance, it was taken from them. In 2019, as short as the year has been so far, we have already lost over 83,000 babies to abortion worldwide.

Which do you choose? 42,000,000+? Or giving someone an opportunity to have a chance at life? So much depends upon this one decision.

Click here to continue reading this post and find ways you can help to stop the endless slaughter of God's innocent little ones. 

Timothy Sica is pro-life, Catholic, and a lover of history & poetry. "Without the right to life all other rights are meaningless".

1 comment:

  1. Yes the right to life is absolutely crucial....nothing could happen in this world without it and Nancy pelosi would not even be able to lie like she does if she had been aborted
