
Tuesday, February 12, 2019

We are Many Parts.........

From the Staff of Voices for Life

“We are many parts, we are all one body, and the gifts we have, we are given to share.”

The above is a line from a song by Marty Haugen I remember singing mostly in the 80’s; however, I believe it’s significance can be applied to the pro-life movement today.  

Some of us are called to be on the front lines sidewalk counseling or just being there praying and giving public witness.  Others are called to volunteer at the many pregnancy centers and homes that have been started to help women through their crisis.  And some are called to pray privately for those who are on the front lines. 

Some of us are called to work with our legislators to introduce and pass pro-life bills. Others are called to fund-raise for our many pro-life centers, while others do pro-life educational work and public speaking.

Some, like those who post on this blog, are called to witness through our posting of articles, events, action items and our own personal experiences.

Each of these avenues are important to the pro-life movement, and we cannot continue without each and every part. No matter where you are called to serve, it is important to the movement and especially to the babies who are being aborted and the souls of the parents who bought into the lies of satan.

The Lord has called us to this battle for life. He has gifted each of us with a specific purpose. With Jesus as our Commander-in-Chief, we use our weapons of warfare to bring down those who seek to ‘steal, kill and destroy’ the life of innocent babies, born and unborn. The call to save the ‘least of these’ is one that we cannot turn away from. It’s a lifetime call. There is no retirement from this spiritual battle. Jesus is counting on us to be His Hands, Feet and Voice. As His people, we will never give in and we will never give up until all human life is safe from satan’s grasp. As prayer warriors, we all share one powerful weapon. 

We pray for an end to abortion, we pray for those involved in abortion to repent and turn to Christ, we pray for mothers to choose life for their babies. We pray that Jesus will continue to use us to pierce the darkness of abortion and to restore the sanctity of all human life in our land. 

Below are the words of the refrain to the song 'We are Many Parts' as well as a YouTube recording on the song.   I personally think this song should be adopted by the pro-life movement as one we sing and pray each and every day. 

I hope you take a moment to listen to this beautiful song  below or on YouTube using this link.


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