
Friday, January 18, 2013

After 40 Years of Roe vs. Wade, Abortion Still Hurts Women

January 22 marks the 40th Anniversary of the Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision creating a right to abortion. Along with its companion case, Doe v. Bolton, that “right” was extended throughout pregnancy – all nine months, for any reason. This makes the United States one of the four most radical nations in the world on abortion policy, along with China, North Korea, and Canada. In fact, most of the 195 nations limit abortion after about 20 weeks, because of the health risks to women and their child. Not only have over 50 million[i] babies lost their lives from abortion since 1973, but women are being put in harm’s way every day.

In the 40 years since Roe, we have amassed a plethora of medical evidence highlighting the harm to women from abortion. Some of the immediate and long-term medical risks to women include—hemorrhage, infections, organ damage, incomplete abortion, injury to the cervix, blood clots, future pre-term births, placenta previa, mental health problems (including increased tendency toward suicide ideation), and death. These risks to a woman’s health increase as pregnancy advances.

article continues here

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