
Friday, January 18, 2013

Local pro-life march hopes to send strong message

The annual March for Life is to be held in the nation's capital next Friday, but not all communities will be sending people. A number of cities are holding local demonstrations instead, emphasizing impact and not just numbers.

"Assembly on the Lawn" will be on Saturday, January 26, in Tipton, Indiana. There will be a pro-life assembly at the courthouse rather than a march as in March for Life. Organizer Sara Ripberger tells OneNewsNow they have invited church members from throughout the region to attend.

"And we're also putting it in the newspaper, because even though it started for us as an act of faith and conviction, that's not what we're limiting it to," explains Ripberger. "We really want our community to take action as well. So honestly, it could be 50 people, and I feel like it could possibly even end up reaching 500."
One of the churches involved in the assembly -- First Baptist Church of Tipton -- plans to distribute copies of evangelist Ray Comfort's 180, a DVD that contains candid video discussions he has had regarding the issue of abortion.

Ripberger says one of the purposes of Saturday's assembly is to inform people about what abortion really is -- specifically, that it has resulted in more than 55 million preborn babies killed in the womb.
"We [usually] don't think about the numbers [of babies killed]. We don't think about the impact abortion has on people afterwards and before," she says.

"So this event is to really raise awareness of it, but also to bestow something in people and help them to feel a conviction that I have. Then they can stand up for something as well and do it because they want to, and not because they just feel like they should."

Ripberger adds a strong showing in the central Indiana town on January 26 will also send a message to elected officials about how the community feels about abortion.

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