
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Contracepting Social Security

Hello everyone and welcome to The Vortex where lies and falsehoods are trapped and exposed. I’m Michael Voris.

This Vortex is specifically aimed at anyone 45 and younger and is focused on how you will be paying for abortion until you die.

As March for Life activities start to heat up around DC – we’d like to focus on one item
today that often gets overlooked .. how the contraceptive mentality has not only resulted
in the deaths of tens of millions of Americans .. but how those who WERE born will have
to pay the price for this evil .. LITERALLY pay the price.

In short .. if you are 45 or younger .. you will be paying heavily into something called social security that you will never see one red cent of. Your paychecks will be drained by this tax for which you will receive absolutely nothing .. no benefit whatsoever. AND .. as the years go by .. you will see an ever-increasing chunk of your pay getting sucked into the black hole of social security for which you will receive NADA.

Why? Because choices have consequences. When the Supreme Court justices 40 years ago
unleashed the horror of abortion on pre-born children all across America .. not only did they pronounce an immediate sentence of death on THEM .. but they all set into motion affairs that would eventually leading to the financial bankruptcy of America. The math isn’t hard to understand. 55 million abortions since 1973 means 55 million less Americans today. Many of the original 55 million who were slaughtered in the early years immediately following the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision would by now have grown up and had their own children .. estimates place THAT number of children at approximately 7 million MORE missing from the population.
So .. abortion and its generational de-population has resulted in 62 million LESS Americans .. tens of millions less workers in the work force paying taxes and specifically paying into the social security fund. So let’s look at the internal dollar and cents of Social Security to better grasp the impact and its ripple effect.

Currently Social Security is the single greatest expenditure in the federal budget. Almost 21 percent. More money is spent on social security than any other single item. There is a pile of money so to speak .. sitting in the Social Security so-called lock box. Right now .. the total assets are about 2 and a half trillion dollars. Each month money is collected from your paycheck and deposited into this account by the feds while money is going out of it on the other end to pay for the retirees who get their Social Security check each month. Fair enough, right? Income. Expenses.

The current $2.6 trillion is expected to be adequate to cover the next 10 years. But .. in
2023 .. just TEN YEARS FROM NOW .. all the money deposited from payroll deductions will no longer cover the increased money being paid out and that pile of 2.6 trillion will begin to shrink.

In short .. in ten years .. Social Security will have begin spending down its savings to make up for its monthly shortfall. And this is owing to one major factor .. the enormous earthquake in demographics that has happened in America. Because the birth rate has fallen .. owing to abortion and contraception .. there is a smaller percentage of younger working people (people who pay taxes) in the population than in previous generations.

At the other end .. a greater percentage of America is older and these Americans are drawing down on the social security fund. Less paying less in .. more taking more out spells bankruptcy.

By 2035, just 20 years from now .. the chickens will have finally come home to roost and social security will be bankrupt. It will no longer be able to pay checks to retirees. So if you are under 45 .. you will never see a dime. If you are over 45 .. figure out how old you will be in 2035 and start planning for the month you go to your mailbox for your monthly social security check and it wont be there.

Choices have consequences and when America’s Supreme Court chose death for children
in the womb .. hiding behind the legal double-speak of women’s rights .. perhaps no one
envisioned the economic disaster that would befall the survivors. The pro-choice argument is not only morally bankrupt .. but economically bankrupt as well.

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