
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Infanticide: The Abortion-Euthanasia Connection

Infanticide:  The Abortion-Euthanasia Connection.

       "Speaking at a recent conference of the Hemlock Society — an organization whose primary purpose is the legalization of death by choice — Dr. Joseph Fletcher, the 'father of situation ethics,' reminisced about the days when both he and Margaret Sanger joined the Euthanasia Society of America, 'thus linking the two [abortion and euthanasia] causes so to speak — the right to be selective about parenthood and the right to be selective about living.' Fletcher explained, 'We've added death control to birth control as a part of the ethos of life style in our society.'"[167]

Introduction. Is there really any doubt any more? Is there the faintest shadow of uncertainty that abortion is now leading to euthanasia as the day leads to the night?
       If there is, there certainly shouldn't be!
       As Derek Humphry, America's leading euthanasiast, has said, "The doors began to open for me and my ideas once a wonderful thing happened — Roe v. Wade."[168]
       Our own court system is revealing that we are killing born people on exactly the same premises that we have been killing preborn people for so long. B.D. Cohen, medical writer for Newsday Magazine, says that "The decision to withhold or withdraw treatment from extremely sick, premature, and/or deformed newborns is probably being made at least once every day by anguished parents and doctors in one of the nation's more than 500 intensive care nurseries."[169]
       There are three critical characteristics that tie abortion and euthanasia together so intimately that they really can never be separated.
       These features are;

(1) The identical utilitarian worldview of the perpetrators;

(2) The identical tactics used by both the pro-abortion and pro-euthanasia movements, as shown elsewhere in this Chapter; and

(3) The intimate relationship of the "bridge" issue — infanticide — to both abortion and euthanasia.

continue reading article here

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