
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Voices for the Unborn A New Blog

In August of 1987, a new pro-life concept was born.  Mr. Joseph Mortimer, a small business owner from Feasterville, PA, founded Voices for the Unborn with the idea of not just using the media, but being a media outlet for the pro-life movement. It started out as a half-hour radio program, taped in the upstairs room of Joe's jewelry store.   The show was broadcast throughout the Delaware Valley on several different radio stations. The following August, Voices for the Unborn Newspaper came to be.  It was circulated in the Philadelphia, PA area, carrying local as well as national pro-life information.  The paper soon went national (mailed to 40 States) and we even had some international subscriptions in eleven foreign countries. In 1989, the first Voices for the Unborn TV program was aired.

Mr. Mortimer passed in the summer of 2011; however his legacy lives on in this new media outlet – blogging.  We all know that social media is the way to reach people today, especially the younger generation.  My hopes are to have people blog here or summit pro-life and pro-family articles for blogging to this site.  I will then post them to several social media sites to get the largest audience we can, and hope others will do the same. 

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