
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

"Blessed Are They Who Mourn -

On January 22, the Pro-Life Action League will mark the 40th Anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision with a nationwide project entitled “Blessed Are They Who Mourn”—and you are invited to take part.
It was on January 22, 1973 that the United States Supreme Court ruled unborn babies have no legal right to life, launching the American Holocaust that has taken the lives of over 55 million unborn babies.
Roe v. Wade‘s earliest victims would be raising their own children by now. Some of them might even be grandparents.

The “Blessed Are They Who Mourn” project will highlight the humanity of these unknown but not unloved victims of abortion with a call for pro-lifers all across the country to make solemn visitations to memorial sites dedicated to the memory of aborted babies.

It’s simple: Just visit a memorial site on January 22 and pray.

Article continues here

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