
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Pro-Life Groups Fighting Harry Reid's Anti-Filibuster Crusade

Leading pro-life groups are continuing their pushback against a move by pro-abortion Democrats in the Senate to kill the filibuster. If Harry Reid and his colleagues are successful, it would pave the way for President Barack Obama’s abortion agenda, they fear.
In a recent legislative alert, the pro-life group Eagle Forum talks about the problems and urges pro-life people to contact their senators urging them to resist the changes.
“Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is resorting to more dirty tricks to silence conservative opposition to his liberal agenda,” the group said. “This time, he convinced a few Republicans to go along with an alleged compromise on so-called “filibuster reform,” but the result will be the same – conservatives will be shut out of the process of legislating.”

continue reading here

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