
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

47 Babies Saved From Abortion Since Campaign Started

Below is a report from Shawn Carney on some of the 47 lives saved thus far during this 40 Days for Life Campaign.


"Through your prayers and the efforts of people just like you on the sidewalk we've seen three women leave the Planned Parenthood abortion facility today, not getting abortions," said Brian Westbrook, the 40 Days for Life coordinator in St. Louis -- and that happened just in the first few hours of Day 1!
"One young couple walked right past the prayer volunteers and sidewalk counselor, but just 10 minutes later they walked out looking for some help," he said. A counselor took a few minutes with them and found out she was pregnant. The young woman was, however, open to other options.
Brian said the counselor "was able to escort this young couple over to our friends at the mobile medical center right across the street to receive all the help they needed to choose life."


Terri in Bakersfield shared the story of a young woman who drove more than an hour -- by herself -- for an RU-486 abortion.
The woman speaks Spanish -- but Terri only knows a few words in the language. Thankfully, among the prayer volunteers were several who are fluent in Spanish and quickly offered to help.
The volunteers were able to tell the woman that they loved her -- and loved her baby. "At first, she was stone faced," Terri said, "but when one of the prayer ladies started crying, tears ran down her face!"
A few minutes later, a family with two small children introduced themselves to the young woman, "which melted her heart even more!"
The volunteers were able to offer assistance -- baby gifts, gas money ... and even the possibility of a place for her to live -- "and a lot of hugs," Terri added. "She left thanking us with a big smile and a grateful heart."


The day before the campaign started, Ernie in Pensacola received a new report of abortion numbers for Escambia County, the county in which Pensacola is located.
"The number of abortions continues to decline," he said. In 2006 -- the year before 40 Days for Life started -- Escambia County recorded 2,659 abortions. The 2012 total was 1,645 -- more than 1,000 fewer abortions each year!
"Through your faithful witness, prayer, fasting and the grace of God, we have observed a 38% drop in the number of abortions in Pensacola since the start of 40 Days for Life," Ernie said. "Praise be to God!
Today's devotional is from Fr. Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life.


Pray that those tempted to abort may understand that their child is already present, and already a real person.


And it happened, when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary that the babe leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.
Then she spoke out with a loud voice and said, "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! But why is this granted to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For indeed, as soon as the voice of your greeting sounded in my ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy."
-- Luke 1:41-44

REFLECTION by Fr. Frank Pavone, Priests for Life

Jesus not only loves unborn children -- He was one himself! Think about this for a moment.
We often hear people speak of a pregnant mother by saying, "She's expecting a child." Now if one is expecting a package, the package is not yet there. As reflected in our verse for today, however, this is not the case with the mother. Her gift is already there.
The pregnant woman, a mother already, does not have a child "on the way," but has a child, already present and in full possession of his or her human rights, starting with the right to life.


Jesus, open my eyes to your presence in the life of every child. Open my heart to joy in the birth of every child, a birth that reflects the joy of your own birth in Bethlehem.
As you shared life in the womb of Mary, so now send your protection upon every child still in the womb, and grant to their mothers the strength and joy that comes from welcoming the gift of life. We pray through Christ our Lord, Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Prayer, fasting and public witness are three of the most important components we have to end the horror of abortion in our land. This Lenten season, can we all try to do a little more for the babies and their misguided mothers?
    We’ll never know exactly how many babies we helped to save in this life, until we finally meet Our Lord in the next. Won’t it be great to be able to stand before Him knowing that we were a small part of His vital work here on earth?
