
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

In the Waiting Room

A Waiting Room can be a scary place!  As you sit there, waiting your turn, your mind may be racing..."What is on the other side of this door?"  "Will this hurt?"  "Are the people here nice?"  "Why did I come here?" "What if I AM pregnant?"  A young woman coming to Crossroads for the first time may also be "hearing" the voices of others as she waits... "You have to finish school, you can't have a baby now."  "You are too young to be a mom!"  "I don't want a baby - we have to break up!"

Proverbs 8:34, 35 reads, "Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at my doorposts.  For he who finds me finds life, and obtains favor from the LORD."

We invite you to join us for our annual Fund Raising Banquet, In the Waiting Room, on either Thursday, April 11 or Friday, April 12, 6:15p.m. at the Indian Valley Country Club, Telford, PA

You must reserve your place by calling 215-538-3180, emailing or by visiting our web site by April 1, 2013.  Hope to see you!!

use this link to learn more about Crossroads Pregnancy Care 

1 comment:

  1. Crossroads Pregnancy Care provides compassionate care, practical help and accurate information to women who believe they're pregnant and who may be considering abortion. Their annual banquet will be held in Telford, PA on Thursday, April 11 and again on Friday, April 12.
    I hope for all who live in or around this area consider attending their banquet and helping out this center and the great work they do.
