
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Abortion Industry Quotes Show Women are Often Denied Fair Counsel


by Sarah Terzo

Pro-life activists have tried to put laws in place requiring counselors at abortion clinics to give factual information to women considering abortions. Many of these laws say that a woman must be offered detailed facts about the development of her unborn baby, information on resources in the community that are available if she carries the baby to term, and physical and emotional risks of the procedure. Planned Parenthood and other pro-choice groups adamantly oppose these laws. 

They oppose them even when it is not mandatory for the woman to see this information, but she would simply be offered the CHOICE to view it.A Georgia Planned Parenthood director named Kay Scott summarize the abortion giant’s position on informed consent when she said:

 “Supporters of the Woman’s Right to Know bill say it would allow time for reflection, but this bill is really about deception. …women already receive full informed consent before having an abortion…..”

continue reading here

1 comment:

  1. Abortion providers don’t want women to know that there are alternatives available for them. Abortion is a billion dollar business and every time a woman changes her mind, it’s costly to them!
