
Friday, February 15, 2013

Another Abortion Facility CLOSES!

From Shawn Carney

Last night, I spoke at a kickoff event near Houston ...and David Bereit, our national director, spoke at an opening rally in Fairfax, Virginia.
Those are just two of the 261 locations that start 40 Days for Life at a time when many Christians are entering the season of Lent to prepare their hearts  for the Resurrection of Christ on Easter Sunday.

Just recently, I told you about a city where the  abortion center, where faithful volunteers had intended to peacefully pray for 40 days, had CLOSED and gone out of business.

Well, we just confirmed that it happened AGAIN!!!

This time, prayer volunteers in Greensboro, North Carolina were getting ready for their second peaceful vigil outside the Woman's Choice abortion facility. But now, those plans have changed.

This abortion center has also SHUT ITS DOORS and is not relocating!

"All glory to God!" said one of those volunteers. "All  the furniture is gone," she said. "They left like a thief in the night."

This now makes TWENTY-EIGHT abortion centers where 40 Days for Life vigils have taken place that are now totally shut down.

There's a second abortion facility in Greensboro, so the local 40 Days for Life team is quickly making plans to move their peaceful vigil to the public right of way outside that business.

"All praise and thanks to Christ our King for this great gift," the Greensboro team announced. "Come and pray with us at our new location!"

If you've not taken part in 40 Days for Life before, I hope this shows what can happen when you put your trust in God and step forward in faith.

Look for your nearest location, click on that city's name, and then sign up to get involved however you can.


 This devotional is from David Brandao, National Communications Director of 40 Days for Life.
That we may use these 40 Days for Life to plead for God's mercy and grace upon all those involved in the sin of abortion.

Blow the trumpet in Zion! Proclaim a fast, call an assembly. Gather the people, notify the congregation. Assemble the elders; gather the children and the infants at the breast... Let the priests, the ministers of the Lord, weep and say, "Spare, O Lord, your people." -- Joel 2:15-17


by David Brandao

The toll of abortion cannot be measured. We hear estimates of almost 50 million innocent victims, but that's only one aspect of the harm that has unfolded in abortion's wake. There are also the mothers and fathers of these millions, as well as the grandparents, brothers and sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins. Unborn lives destroyed. Lives of the living shattered.

It's overwhelming and depressing, but even in the midst of such unfathomable darkness, the church teaches us to have hope. Yes, it was indeed Calvary that followed Christ's 40 days in the desert, but without Calvary there would have been no Resurrection -- His victory over death that opened the gates of heaven to those who believe in and follow Him.

The psalmist encourages us to go humbly before God  as we seek His will: "A clean heart create for me,  O God, and a steadfast spirit renew within me...  Give me back the joy of your salvation and a willing spirit sustain in me... O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth shall proclaim your praise" (Psalm 51:12, 14, 17).

We are called to be God's messengers; or as the Apostle Paul told the Corinthians: "We are ambassadors for Christ, as if God were appealing through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ: be reconciled to God" (2 Corinthians 5:20).

That is the true message to all we encounter at the abortion centers and in our communities who have been deceived by the Culture of Death. We don't bring condemnation; we bring God's good news.


Lord, we ask for the strength, courage, wisdom, determination and stamina to carry out this mission according to Your will.

Guide us, we pray, as we go forth and proclaim Your truth, always doing so with a spirit of love and compassion, as was demonstrated to us by Your Son, Jesus Christ. In His name we pray, Amen.


Use this link for more inspiring stories and details of abortion facilities closing 


Shawn Carney is the Campaign Director for 40 Days for Life

1 comment:

  1. Prayer and fasting are the most effective weapons we have to combat the evils of abortion. Here we have another abortion facility closed because of the commitment of the pro-life community.
