
Friday, February 15, 2013

Pro-life Advocates Lead the Fight for Women

By Maria Gallagher

The line "War on Women" did not die on Election Night 2012. The pro-abortion lobby carefully coined this phrase in an attempt to neutralize advances made by those who believe that law and public policy should protect an innocent person's right to life. It's catchy, alliterative, and denotes violence and death, and so it works well in a sound bite world.

Every time the catch-phrase is uttered-on cable news, radio talk shows, and in the Twitter verse, it should be countered-in an equally sound bite-savvy way. For what the pro-life movement has been engaging in for the past 40 years is a Fight for Women. And many women are leading the charge: 
  • Abby Johnson: This courageous mom once worked for Planned Parenthood, but, when viewing an ultrasound-guided abortion-and seeing the goodness and kindness of the 40 Days for Life members standing vigil outside the abortion center door-walked bravely to "the other side." She now assists those who work within the abortion industry to find a safe way out. You can learn more about her And Then There Were None ministry here. (And be sure to read her fascinating account of her transition from abortion proponent to pro-life advocate in her ground-breaking book, Unplanned.) Abby is a passionate leader in the Fight for Women. 
  • Lila Rose: This remarkable twenty-something is the founder of Live Action, which uses the tried-and-true tools of investigative journalism to expose the illegal activity and corruption present in the abortion industry. Lila has been especially effective at lifting the veil behind the cover-up of the sexual abuse of minor girls. You can learn more about her here. Lila is a fearless truth-seeker in the Fight for Women. 

  •  Gianna Jessen and Melissa Ohden: These two articulate young women have put a face on "choice." Both are survivors of attempts to take their lives through abortion. They have raised their voices for those unborn girls who have none, and their testimony is powerful. Discover their stories here and here. Gianna and Melissa represent the heart and soul of the Fight for Women. 

  • Kristan Hawkins: As the Executive Director of Students for Life, she has invigorated pro-life activism on college campuses around the nation, and has helped to show the world that youth have a particular stake in the Fight for Women. The Students for Life success story can be found here. Kristan is among the leading strategists in the Fight for Women.
This is far from a complete list-but it does spotlight the role that young, vibrant leaders are playing in the Fight for Women. Whenever you hear abortion advocates talking about the War on Women, point to the awe-inspiring Millennials and Gen-Xers at the forefront of the pro-life movement and respond, "No, you must mean the Fight for Women-and we are winning!"

Maria Gallagher is the Legislative Director of the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation

1 comment:

  1. President Obama and his party coined the phrase “War on Women” to scare people and make them think that they are the “saviors” of women. The truth is that it is conservative pro-life people who are the real champions of women by offering alternatives such as counseling, housing, and education in a loving, non-judgmental way.
