
Friday, February 1, 2013

MPs Call for Probe as 491 Babies Left to Die After Abortions

Members of the Canadian Parliament has called for a probe into the figures from a story LifeNews broke showing 491 babies have been born alive and subsequently left to die following failed abortions.

Figures from Statistics Canada, a federal government agency, show 491 babies were born alive following botched abortions during the period from 2000-2009 and left to die afterwards. The numbers have pro-life advocates up in arms.

In the days after the revelations, 4,600 emails were sent to the House of Commons in the four days following the story alone. director, Mike Schouten said, “Canadians are rightly concerned with Canada’s lack of legal protection for pre-born children, and have taken that concern to new levels as they observe the erosion of protection for born children.”

“Canadians are rightly concerned with Canada’s lack of legal protection for pre-born children, and have taken that concern to new levels as they observe the erosion of protection for born children,” he told LifeNews. “491 children, already born, have been left to die and we have not heard anything from our justice system, political leaders, or mainstream media. What is going on?”

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