
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

A Declaration - July fourth In The Year Of Our Lord Nineteen Hundred Eighty "Eight

I was going through some boxes to get rid of decades of old papers today and came across this "Declaration".  I'm not sure where I got this (after all it was almost 25 years ago), but thought it worth posting. I've included the text below the picture.

A Declaration

July fourth In The Year Of Our Lord
Nineteen Hundred Eighty "Eight

'When in the course of a nation's history it becomes necessary for the (God-fearing citizens of that nation to take actions which in times of peace would be considered drastic or extreme, a decent respect to the opinions of their countrymen requires that they should declare the causes that compel them to act.

'We hold these truths to be self-evident: that God created mankind, and that all men and women, in-utero or out, are endowed by their Creator with, certain unalienable rights, the first and foremost being the right to life, governments are established among men to protect and defend the lives and God-given rights of its citizens, governments and rulers that stray from their Divinely appointed purpose, and tolerate or participate in the oppression and slaughter of its innocent people, are held as barbaric and tyrannical, and history happily records the day of their downfall and just recompense. 'But before justice is restored to any such nation, before tyrants meet their end, courageous efforts from within or without must be made to break, the bonds of tyranny. In such hours of crisis, it is the right and the duty of a nation’s citizens to act in a manner which seems to them will best secure justice and safety for the oppressed, and for future generations.

'We are in such an hour of crisis; an hour that is far darker and more grievous than the darkest hour endured by the original thirteen colonies under King George III; an hour with more cruelty, murder, injustice, and exploitation than the founders would have dreamed possible. This is why our people must act. Let the facts therefore be candidly submitted to the world.

1967marked the beginning of certain states legalizing child-killing for reasons of convenience.

In 1973, a bloodbath was unleashed in all fifty states by the barbaric Roe vs. Wade decision. Seven despots, whose tender mercies are cruel, forsook, their Constitutional responsibilities, and against all decency, common sense, scientific evidence, and natural and 'Divine Law,’ stripped our in-utero countrymen of their rights. They declared these children non-persons who could be slaughtered through the sixth month of gestation, for any reason, and until birth for the so-called 'health' of the mothers. In the wake of this Barbarism, doctors-turned-executioners have developed insidious means of destroying the defenseless. Let them be plainly told.

Children are suctioned out of the womb, limb from limb, until their twisted dead bodies lie in a pile of human carnage.

Children are chemically burned to death By a salt solution injected into the uterus. This agonizing death takes from three to twenty-four hours, and has often resulted in live births.

Children are viewed on an ultrasound screen, and hunted By the assassin's hypodermic needle containing drugs to cause heart failure. The needle is brutally, without anesthetic, plunged into the child's chest cavity and into the heart, causing heart failure and death to occur shortly thereafter.

Children are cut up and scraped out by curette.

Children too large for curette or suction are wrenched, twisted, broken, and torn piecemeal from the uterus By the murderer’s forceps. Children are expelled prematurely from the womb after the mother's labor is chemically induced. The violent contractions produced have literally decapitated children during labor.

Children too large to be aborted vaginally are aborted By C-section. This method, along with other techniques already mentioned, often results in a live birth. The child is then either injected with a deadly narcotic, smothered, strangled by the assassin, or simply left unattended in a bucket or wash basin to gasp for breath and slowly die. On a few such occasions, an attending nurse moved with pity, has actually saved the child in spite of orders to let the baby die.

In all, nearly five thousand children per are butchered in ways that defy America to call herself a civilized nation. The Court, in keeping with its cruel tyranny, ruled that pregnant mothers do not have the right to be told the possible physical and psychological side effects of abortion. Vulnerable women in crisis pregnancies are deceived, lied to, and exploited for the monetary gain of others. 'Women suffer laceration of the cervix laceration of the uterus, perforation, of the uterus, which is often accompanied by bowel perforation; infection, blood poisoning, and prolonged bleeding.

As a direct result of these injuries, tens of thousands of women miscarry in future pregnancies, thousands become sterile due to infection or scarring, and thousands more have had emergency hysterectomies, also leaving them barren for life. Hundreds of women have actually died under the 'safe, legal abortionist’s knife.

'Beyond that, millions suffer psychological and emotional trauma, deep depression, and nightmares; others turn to alcohol or drugs, and, some, desperately wrestling with the guilt of a dead child, become suicidal. "Women have become the exploited second victim in this travesty.

Many courageous citizens have suffered harassment and arrest for attempting to prevent the murder of innocent children and exploitation of women; they have been prosecuted in mock, trials; evidence for their defense has been suppressed; and many have been imprisoned for their defense of life.

The good citizens of this country have long sought redress to secure justice for children and mothers in conventional ways, but have been rebuffed. All attempts at national legislation to stop the killing have failed. Pieces of stale legislation seeking protection for children and mothers have been brought before the court, whose incredible decisions have resulted in greater injury to children and mothers. The right of a father to protect his child has been abridged; the rights of parents to know if their minor daughter is obtaining an abortion have been denied; the right of the several states to demand that a truthful account of the child's development be given to the mother have been revoked; the right of the states to protect a viable child from murder during the seventh through ninth month of pregnancy have been overturned. Several states use taxpayer’s money to pay for the murder of the innocent. The horrific truth is thus: The United States of America has endorsed the wholesale slaughter of more innocent people than virtually any nation in the history of the world. Over twenty five million children are dead. A government that supports such heinous crimes, treating its weakest subjects with such cruelty, must be regarded as barbaric, tyrannical, and may soon be viewed by many as loudly illegitimate.

At the very least in the meantime, the good citizens of this nation have no obligation whatsoever to obey or regard as legitimate any law that permits, supports, or protects the exploitation of women and the slaughter of innocent children. The people must move to protect the innocent and the exploited, since the government has abandoned its responsibility to do so.

Our once great nation, though always with faults, was born because of and founded on the concept of Higher Law; the belief that God, not man, had given all people unalienable rights, liberties, and responsibilities; the belief that God, not man, was the Judge of the world, and that governments were accountable to Him, and that when they usurped His authority, they were no longer legitimate but tyrannical; the belief that it was the right and the duly of a people to challenge, alter, or abolish such tyrannical governments or despots that trod upon a people's God-given rights; and the belief that God would support and protect those who moved to challenge the authority of a government functioning against His will. 'With those beliefs, we heartily concur.’

Therefore, we have committed ourselves to challenging and fundamentally altering the present status of American law, as it relates to in-utero children and pregnant mothers.

'We hereby declare Roe vs. 'Wade and all subsequent court decisions and legislation which permits, supports, or protects wanton child-killing to be unjust, illegitimate, non-binding, and unlawful.

We appeal to the Supreme Judge of the world, the God of these innocent children, The God who gave our country birth, to protect us, to vindicate our actions, and to restore justice to this wounded nation before it perishes.  And with a firm reliance on Divine Providence, to the end of vanquishing this atrocity from our land, we pledge our Lives, our Fortunes, and our Sacred Honour.

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