
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Sen. Casey Flips to Political Pressure, Abandons Institution of Marriage

Statement from the Pennsylvania Family Institute
Michael Geer, President

“Until today, Sen. Casey seemed to understand the special, unique nature of marriage – a bond that brings the two halves of humanity –male and female – together in a commitment that best serves the children that likely will result from that bond.
“And so, it’s very troubling to see Sen. Casey respond to special interest pressure on an issue as important as this one.  Those special interests just recently announced their campaign to get him to flip, and it didn’t take very long at all. 
“This is so much different than the character and fortitude of his father, Governor Casey – who famously and courageously bucked his party’s embrace of abortion on demand, even to the point of beginning a campaign for President – to stand up for what is right.
“Many supporters of Sen. Casey had hoped for more from him, and today are sadly disappointed especially given that he’s advocating against the position he took when he was voted into office, and against Pennsylvania’s duly-enacted marriage law.

Use this link to contact Senator Casey and let him know of your displeasure in his decision

The Mission of the Pennsylvania Family Institute is to strengthen families by restoring to public life the traditional, foundational principles and values essential for the well-being of society. We are a research and education organization devoted to restoring these values to our state and nation. We produce policy reports, promote responsible citizenship and work to promote unity among pro-family groups.


  1. Once again Senator Bob Casey betrays the values his parents instilled in him. Please use the link in the article to let Sen. Casey know how you feel. We can’t allow him or other “so-called” Christians who hold office to continue their flip flopping on moral issues! Make him "feel" the heat people!

  2. Another one that drank the kool aide and took the stupid pill.

  3. Just sent him a scathing e-mail. I'll let you know if I get a response Richard.
